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{Charlot's pov} *later that day* *time skip; 4pm*

I just got home from a christmas shopping day with leo and Elena and el is at home now but it was so fun! I mean we looked for hours at some very nice stores and we got some nice presents for everyone soo i am very hapoy with this day..

'shall i put the bags in my room??'

Leo says while holds his bags with presents

'Yeah sure leo.. oh and uhm...'



Ughh i hate keeping secrets from leo but i never told him i already slept with thomas... a second time... like uhm this moring... ..twice.. but we tell eachother everything... yeah i know it sounds wierd but we are so close friends.. sometimes he feels like a second brother for me.. but this.. i mean he thinks i didn't... so...

'What's wrong??'

Ughhh! He knows me to well...

'Nothing.. leo there is nothing...'

'Lottie i can see that there is something wrong...'

'leo please just leave it..'

Ughh he really knows me to well... ughh!!

'Lottie come on...'

'Ugh.. okay'

(A/N; okay haha drinking game everytime she says ugh take a shot hahaha only 18+ 😂😂😂😂 i am sorry i had to loll😂😂)

'well.. what's wrong??'

'Ugh nothingg...'

'Lottie come on.. just a second a go you wanted to tell me..'

'Okay.. ugh alright...'

'Now.. spill...'

'uhm... i uhh.. me and thomas.. uhhh... we uhh..'

'Slept together??? Really lottie!...'

'Come on leo.. you don't always have to protect me..'

'Lottie you know why i do that! Because your last relationship didn't end well! Remember..???'

'I do...'

{flash back}

'Charlot.. it's over...'

'No...no..no!!... alex... we can't... i need you... i .. i love you...'

'Charlot please.. don't make this any harder..'

'But i love you! Alex! We're supposed to get-...'

'Charlot! No!...'


'No we're done!..'

{end of the flashback}

'Now.. why didn't you tell me???'

'uhh... i don't know.. i guess... maybe.. i...'

'You were scared of how i would react???'

'yeah.. i guess.. you could say that..'

Ughhh!! I hate this... i mean.. i've kept this a secret from him.. and i don't even know why.. because we are so close.. alsmost like brother and sister...

'lottie... why are you always going to fast???'

'I am not!...'

'Yes! You are! I mean.. thomas is my best friend but you should know that...'

'That what???'


'No leo.. tell me..'

'Lottie don't you see it???'

'See what???'

'That i love you.. you idot!!


And i look at him all confused and just... very very.. confused...

'Leo?? How long????'

'Uhh.. since the day we becane friends...'


'I.. i am s-sorry i .. just didn't wanted to ruin our friendship...'

'leo! You could've told me!!'

'I know.. i know.. but i was scared that.. you didn't like me... for you know.. me..'

'Ofcourse i do... you silly... but not in that way... i am sorry but i am i love with thomas... atleast.. i think...'

'Ha! You said it!..'

'Leo that's not the point.. the point is that i don't see you in that way... i mean... i don't even know ho-..'

And before i knew it he is one step closer to me and we can hear eachother breathing...and then he kisses me...


I say while pushing him away..

'i am sorry i had to try... i am sorry...'

'it's.. o-okay... just never do that again...'

I say while i am going upstairs with the bags..ughhh whyyy did he doo this...

~a day later~

{Thomas pov} *at thomas his house*

It's a day later and charlot and leo.. i mean leo told me he had feellings for charlot a very long time wich i didn't knew.. first but now i do... and he kissed her.. but she pushed him away so that was a bonus.. but still i wonder why he never told her.. i mean they are such close friends.. and still they have secrets for eachother anywas.. me and charlot are good thansk for asking hahha but i am glad leo was honest with me cause we are friends to so i wasn't that mad.. because of the pushing away thing so yeah.. now we are at my house charlot is watching tv and i am on my phone checking my instagram... cause i am addicted hahaa..


'Yes my love..'

'Have i told you lately i am greatfull you're mine...'

'Aww thommy!...'

She says while she gives me a hug..

'Hm.. i love you..'

'I love you to thommy...'

'Stop calling me-...'

And hse cuts me off

'I know i know..'


'Now what???'

She says while she lays her head on my chest

'Do you wanna go to milan???'


'You heard me babe..'

'Yeah... sure! Cool!'

'Okay we will leave tomorrow..'


'Yeah.. tomorrow..'

'Okay? But...'

'No buts we arr going to mian tomorrow..'


Hehehe okay another chapter! Enjoyy!!😘😘😘😘 seee yaaa🙋🏻‍♀️✌🏻 *just leaving this pic of thomas here*

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