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{Charlot's pov} *in the morning* *9am*

It's the moring after our amazing night hihi uhh yeah uhh okayy thomas is still sleeping and i woke up a bit early because i didn't feel well.. and i trhew up.. almost two times and now.. again.. and yesterday too... so i don't know what's wrong with me.. but what i do know is that my period is late.. and uhmm yeah that i am late.. ughh what if.. ??? No charlot that can't be it... Or??...

Thomas says while he walks into the bathroom all sleepy.. my god he is so cute when he just woke up (🥺🙊)


'Did you trhew up again??.. '

'Yes.. i don't know what's wrong thommy...'

'When was the last time you had you're period??..'

'Uhhh... maybe uhhh a week a go??... i don't know...'

'Mi amore.. maybe you should take a test then..?? Just to be sure?? Cause you have been trhowing up alot now...'

'four times.. oh god.. five now...'

{Thomas pov}

'Mi amore.. i am getting worried now...'

I say while i am rubbing her back with my hand... trying to comfort her

'Ughh.. i am so sick... ughh...'

'Mi amore.. uhm can i ask you something???'


'Did you and leo uhmm???'

'What?? Slept together???! No! Well almost but we didn't...'


'Yeah.. but i stoped.. because of you...'

'okay.. but then it's mine??'


'The baby??..'

'Thomas i didn't even do a test yet... i mean ughh... i'l l get one after i showerd... okay??'

'Sure mi amore... uhh.. can i join??'

'Uh sure..'

She says while her whole face is paler then before

'Mi amore.. i am really worried now... you're paler then before... maybe you should go lay down??'

'Yeah.. maybe yeah.. ughh..'

*a couple of hours later* *down stairs*

{Charlot's pov}

Ughh i don't even feel any better and i couldn't sleep.. because i trhew up again.. so greaaat.. ughh nott but i have bought a test.. soo i did it.. and now it's waiting time... ugh what if.. i am pregnant.. like for real this time.. i mean... i don't even knowif i can do this.. ughhh i am only 20... ugh

'Omgg.. i can't look.... Seriouslly.. i can'tt...'

'shall i look then baby??..'


I say while my heart beat is raising... so fast... ughhh i hate beging nervous.. especially now... ughhhh!!...

'Uhm.. babe...'

'What does it say???'

'Uhh i think it's better if you look yourself..'

'No!.. i can'tt...'

'Babe... just...'

And he shows me the pregancy test..

'OMG!.... I am pregnant?!!!'

'Uh yeah.. that's what it shows... so..'

'Omgg.... omgg...'

I say while i am starting to cry.. omgg... i am pregnant... i can't.. it's just.. so unreal.. omgg i mean i am only 20 years old... that's young i mean.. my mom was young when she had me but.. still...

'are you happy mi amore??..'

'Ofcourse i am.. thommy.. you??..'

'Babe i am over the moon!... i mean i would love to see a mini you.. or a mini me.. walking around...'

'Omgg... really...'

I say while i am crying even more out of happiness..

'yes.. mi amore... i love you...'

He says while he leans into hug me..

'I..i.. can't belive it tho... it feels so unreal.. i mean.. i don't even know if i can do this...'

'Amore are you crazy?? Ofcourse you can do this.. i mean we can do this... my love.. me and you..'

'Aww thommy!....'

I say while i am looking at him with tears in my eyes

'Now.. shall we watch a movie??...'

'Yeah.. a christmas movie... '

'Wich one??'

'Home alone???'

'Oh come on!.. we saw that yesterday!..'


'Okay okay...'

~time skip; 10pm~

{Thomas pov}

It's 10pm and charlot is laying in my arms.. in bed.. she was so sick all day.. she couldn't even keep her food down.. so tomorrow we are going to the doctor to check everything because i am worried.. and she says that's it just her pregnancy.. and that he mom had the same when her mom was pregnant with charlot.. but still i was way too worried...

'Hmm.. thommy??..'

'Mi amore.. go back to sleep...'

'N-no.. i don't feel good..'

She says while her face is pale again..



'Do you need anything??..'

'Maybe some water??... i am thirsty.. and still don't feel good..ughh...'


I say while i am letting her go out of my arms and getting out of the bed


'Yeah mi amore..'

'I love you so much.. and i am so happy...'

'I love you to mi amore.. and i am happy too lottie.. '

*after a couple of minutes*

{Thomas pov}

'Here is y-... omg babe????'

I say while i am putting the glass down on the night stand




*silcence again*

'Baby?????? Please say something...'

*silence again*


'Hmm??... i was sleeping what's wrong???'

She says while she lifts her head up from he pillow

'Nothing... i was just.. never mind mi amore. Go back to sleep..'


She says while she closes her eyes again..


Alrightt sooo charlot is pregnant🙊 omgg.. she is going to have a baby .. maybee a christmas baby whi knows hehehe well enjoy! And see youuu🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️😘😘

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