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{Leo's pov}

I haven't heard anything from charlotcin weeks so now she fianlly texted me back. And now she is comming over to tell me something.. i don't know what it is.. but we'll see.. because i still have feellings for her.. and i miss her..so much..

*a couple hours later*

{Leo's pov}

'So how have you been lottie??..'

'Good.. actually leo.. uhm i am pregnant...'

'What????? Hold up??! You're pregnant?!..'


'And it's thomas his baby???'

'Ofcourse it is!...'

'Well.. lottie we had sex to remember..??'

'Yeah i remember...'

{flashback} *smut* *18+*

'Hmm.. leo... do-.. oh ffck...'

'Hmm.. lottie ye-ye-.ohh fck... baby...'

'Hmm.. i love you...'

'I love you to... leo...'

I say while kissing him again while our bodies moving against eachother..

'Ohh ff-....'

'B-ba-baby.. i am cl-...'

'Me too... oh ff...'

*you know what happens*

{end of the flashback}

'So you remember.. that we didn't use anyth-..'

{Charlot's pov}

'I know leo.. but i know it's thomas his baby... because the other night before find out we uhm...'

'Oh god.. please don't tell me...'

'Hehe sorryy... but it's thomas his baby.. so..'

'But does he know that we???'

'Slept together??? No! That will chrush him...'

'I know.. but lottie... i know you felt it.. and i know you feel it too right now.. so let's stop pretending...'

'leo.. i can't... i am with thomas.. and i am pregnant.. with his baby.. so..'

'Lottie.. i love you.. i love you so much.. and i've missed you... i can't live without you.. baby..'

'Please.. stop calling me baby i am not.. i mean we're not together soo...'

'But we can be.. i mean if you move in again with us.. then we will take care of the baby.. i mean i can handle it... i can be a dad..'

'Leo.. please just stop okay? I can't do this.. it's wrong'

'But having sex with me wasn't?!!!'

'That's no-...'

'That's exactlly what you meant..'

'No! No no no!!... i love you!! For god sake! I love you!!! But we ca-...'

And then he kisses me passiontlly..

'Hmm.. l-leo?!!...'

I say while pushing him away..


'Nothing... it's just..'

'Yeah i know you can't do this because of thomas i get it..'

'Yeah so can we keep this a secret between us please i mean no one has to know..'

'Yeah.. sure.. whatever..'

'Leo.. you know why..'

I say while i grab his hand

'I know i know.... But you will you still be my bestie??..'

'Yeah always leo.. you know that.. i mean i love you as a friend..'

'As a friend or more??...'

'Just as a.. i mean i don't know.....'

'So you love me??? More that a friend???'

'Uhhh.. i i i i.. i don't know.. okay... ughhh!!...'

~time skip~ ~10pm~

{Thomas pov}



Charlot says while she lays in my arms on the couch while we're watching another chritsmas movie... together..

'Is everything okay? You've been acting wierd since you came back from leo..'

'Oh it's nothing.. we just had a fight again that's all nothing.. nothing more...'

'Are you sure??'

'Yeah.. yeah.. there is nothing...'

'Mi amore come on.. you're whole face is red what happend???'

'N-nothing.. okay.. can you please just shut up about it..'

'No.. charlot.. what happend??? What are you not telling me..???'

'Thomas.. i can't tell you..'


'I am sorry.. if i tell you.. i mean.. you won't love anymore.. i can't... okay..'

'Amore you're getting me worried now.. what happend????'

'As i said if i tell you, you won't love me anymore...'

'Baby i'll always love you... now tell me..'

'No.. i can't.. thomas i am sorry..'

She says while she starts to cry.. out of no were.. omgg i am so worried now.. even more than before.. ughh!! I hate thiis... i mean i am her boyfriend she can tell me everything...

'Baby.. you're crying right now..something must've happend.. come on.. just please tell me..'

I say while i am hugging her..

'Thomas... i ca-.'

'Mi amore... tell me now....'

'thommy.. for the last time.. i can't..!!'

'Mi amore! Just fcking tell me what happend !!...'

I say a bit angry now

'o-okay.. but please please... pleasee.. don't be mad.. okay??? Promise??..'

'Yeah i promise...'

'Okayy... so there might me a possiblelty that the baby is leo's... but it's small so...'


'Thommy.. you promised you wouldn't get mad...'

'I am now!! Sorry but WHAT??? How??? I mean????? What?!!!'

'Thomas.. i can explain.. he kissed me out of no were and then we.. got caught up in the moment and and... we .. i mean.. i said tha-..'

'Charlot.. i don't wanna hear it okay??? Just please mi amore.. i am going to bed now.. and in the moring wel will talk about then okay???'



'Yeah... arlight...


Oehh dramaa hehehe okayy enjoy! And see youu next timee 😘😘😘😘

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