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{Charlot's pov}

It's the next day and we have just arrived in new york and it is already amazing i mean i can't belive i am here i mean.. i am just amazed and now we have just arrived at the hotel...

'Do you like it???'

'Yeah i do.. i mean it's amazing here... so many things to see...'

'I know baby...we are going ti have some fun here..'

'Yeahh.... Ofcourse my god.. i am tired..'

'Me too but we have to go now..'

'What????? We have just arrived...'


'Come on lottie it's going to be amazingg...'


'I am not telling you anything...'


'Just go with me...'


Grew up in a town that is famous as a place of movie scenes
Noise is always loud, there are sirens all around and the streets are mean
If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere, that's what they say
Seeing my face in lights or my name in marquees found down on Broadway
Even if it ain't all it seems, I got a pocketful of dreams
Baby I'm from New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There's nothing you can't do
Now you're in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Hear it for New York, New York, New York

{Charlot's pov}

We just went to see the city and it was amazingg i mean new york is amzing ! Also we saw the empire state bulding and we went up there and that view it gave me shivers and now we are back at the hotel


'Yes my love'

'What do you want for dinner?? Tonight Or shall i order room serivce??'

'Maybe we could go out ??'

'Yeah sure babe..'

He says while he kisses me on my cheek


'What babe..??'

'I know that look??..'

'Wich look??..'

'Oh you know...'


'Hm.. you want something don't ya..'


*you know what she is going to do..*

{Leo's pov} *Time skip* *10Pm*

It's a day later and charlot and thomas are in new york and i am stuck here in rome.. ughh i still miss her... i mean she is one of ny best friends and the most amazing girl i've met...



'are you thinking about charlot again??'

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