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{Charlots pov} *the next moring*


'Yes.. goodmoring darling..'

'we fell asleep...'

'Yeah i guess we did...'

Omg.. i am in my bra.. omgg.. this so embarssing...ughhh


'Charlot.. is that.. a scar on you're belly???'

'Uhhh no???'

'Babe.. come on..'

'Uhhm.. yes it is.. i uhh..'

'Wait?? You did that yourself???... babe why???'

'Because i am not happy with how i look.. and how i feel...'

'Baby.. does leo knows this??'

'Yes.. and he is not happy with it..'

'i get that.. but.. baby... you are so besutiful... i mean how long???'

'Since i was 17 i think...'

'But how?? Why???'

'Thomas stop asking.. i don't want to talk about it okay...'

'Okay.. i am sorry...'

'Soo uhh... i am going to take a shower because uhm i smell...'

'Uhm can i uhm join?? Or maybe we can take a bath??..'

'Uhh yeah....'

~in the bathroom~

{Thomas pov}

'Did i tell you that you are beautiful..'

'Uh yes.. way to many times..'

'Haha.. now.. do you wanna shower...or just stand there naked.. because i like the view..'

'Thomas!!... i am not beautiful... i am ugly.. as fck..'


'No you're not babe.. you're so beautiful.. and sexy.. and you have an amazing body...'

I say while getting into the the bathtub

'Are you going into or??'


She says a bit shy while getting in..

'Bae you look so beatiful...'


'How did you know that nicname???'

'Uh from uhm leo??'

'Never.. use it..'


'Babe!!.. stop it!!'

I say while splashing water in her face..

'Thomas!.raggi! I swear if you do that again.. i..'



'You called me thommy i had to...'

'You sneaky little boy!'

'Hahaha you're mad arent ya..'

'Oh you bet i am...'

She says with a big smirk on her face while getting closer to me and she starts kissing me..

'Hm.. baby...'

'Oeh...you're good kisser..'

'Well i know...'

'Oehh sexy...'

She says while her hand is going underwater and touching my priavte part

'Hmm.. baby...'

'You like that huh??...'

'I do... yes...'

'Hmm..i can see..'

Charlot says with a big smirk on her face while she starts kissing me again...


*A couple of hours later*

{charlot's pov}

'Haha.. no thomas.. i am not that sexy...'

'Yes you are... and you're my sexy...'

'Thomas.. you're making me shy...'


He says while we lay in my bed. Naked.. because we you know uhm.. hihi but it was.. kind of.. i don't know.. haha i am not going to say it but now we are laying in bed...

'i love you mi amore..'

'I love you to thomas.. more than you know.. it feels so safe with you... i mean.. you're sweet.. and nice.. and a real gentleman..sommetimes you make me feel like a princess..'

'That's because you are my princess.. honey..'

'Awww.. thomas..'

I say while looking at him while he hold me in his amrs and playing with my hair

'It's true baby..'

'Aw.. you know i've never been someone's princess before so.. it's kinda special for me..'

'Aw mi amore...'

'It is... i mean i've never felt like this about anyone before...'

'Okay.. but does this feel good??..'

'You mean??'

'This.. us..'

'Yes it does.. thomas.. yes it does..'


Another chapter! Bit short butt enjoy! And see y'all next timee!😘😘😘 ~just leaving this pic of thomas~ hehehe

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