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{leo's pov}

Fianlly she is home.. after i don't know a couple of hours maybe??..not that i don't like it but it's alwaysx the same with her she always jumps into relationships..and does stupid things.. like with her ex...

'Lottie.. i was worried..!!'

I say while she comes into the livning room ...

'i am so sorry leo.. i was caught up...'

'Yeah.. i can tell...'


And i cut her off.. ughh at this point i am soo done with her...ughh

'Lottie you have hickey's all over you're neck!..'

'Leo... what's wrong???'

'You wanna know what's wrong??? You fckd! My best friend!'


'Lottie you always do this.. always... and then after you always end up heart broken..'

'Leo.. this is diffrent...i really like him...'

'yeah sure...'

'Leo.. it really is... i mean... i've never felt like this before.. i mean i feel so safe with him...'

'Yeah yeah.. sure whatever... lottie.. just go away please...'


'Just go... maybe you should take a shower cause you smell..'


*and he leaves*

{Charlots pov}

Ughh i hate it when leo and i fight.. ughh maybe i should call elena.. maybe she know what to do..

'Hii lottieee.. what's up??..'

'I uhmm have a problem.. uh i got into a fight with leo about uhmm let's just say a boy and uhmm.. i think he is worried...'

'oh lottie you know leo is trying to protect you... when it comes to boys with you..'

'I know...  but it's diffrent this time.. it feels so safe with this boy...'

'Omg you really like him...'

'Yeah but leo doesn't get that.... And i already told him but he wouldn't listen..'

'Girll just go talk to him.. you know how he is.. you feel like a sister to him... lottie...'

'I know.. i know... i'll go talk to him..maybe..'

'Just talk whenever... i gotta go girll..'

'Okayy... thankss el..'

'always girll... byeee'


*and she hangs up*

{damiano's pov}

'What was that all about??'

I say while standing behind charlot in the living room

'Shiit!!... damiano!... you scared me!...'

'Haha it's okay... now what's up??'

'Nothing... just a stupid fight with leo..'

'Doesn't sound like it..'

'Damiano! Just leave it...'

My godd i hate her when she's like this.. i mean i've know her since leo and her became friends but evetytime i did something or made mistake or i said something bad she always starts bitching at me...

'what did i do to you anyways??'

'You talked bad about brandon!..'

'That's because he tried to steal my girlfriend!..'

'What??? He would never do that!..'

'Oh yes... he flirted with gorigia for a while..'

'I don't belive you...'

'You wanna see the text messages???'


'Here..go read..'

I say while giving her my phone..

'Damiano... i don-.. oh crapp...'

'Ya see..'

'Damiano!.. ughhh ...'

She says while giving my phone back

'Now tell me..'


'Come on.. i am a good listenner...'

'Well.. ughhh okay.. well i slept at thoma his house.. and uhmm it got a bit heated.. and now leo is pissed...'

'I bet... charlot you just had one date.. i mean thomas and i are friends but even for me it's to soon...'

'You think??..'

'Yeah.. i mean are you two together now.???'

'Yeah... we are..'

'O god... charlot... leo told be alot about you.. also abot you're the other relationships you had but... it's too soon charlot and you know it..'


'Do you??'

'Yeah... but damiano i feel so safe when i am around him... i mean i've never felt like this before..'

'Omg...  you really like him...'

'Yeahh i said that to leo and elena.. and only el belived me...'

'Okay.. i think you should go talk to leo then..'

'Yeah... uhmm thanks damaino.. for listening..'

'No problem.. lottie.. oh and please just call me damsi..'


She say while smiling at me and going upstairs to leo's room..


{Charlot's pov}


I say while knocking on his door

'Go away charlot!...'

He shouts

'Leo.. i am sorry...  i know you're trying to protect me and i kniw about my past relationships but leo this is diffrent.. as i said i feel so safe around thomas.. he makes mee feel special.. and loved...'

'You really like him do you??'

He says while opening the bedroom door

'Yes i do... leo... i am so freaking in love..'

'Well... if you really like him.. then i am not worried anymore but! If he breaks you're heart i'll break his legs..'

'Haha leo!!'

'What?? You're like a sister to me lottie.. you know that..'

'I know i know...'

I say while hugging him...


Another chapter! Enjoy! And see yaaa🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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