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Everybody needs inspiration..
Everybody needs a song...
A beautiful melody...
When the night's so long...
'Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy...
Yeah, when my world is falling apart...
When there's no light to break up the dark...
That's when I, I
I look at you... ❤️
When the waves...
Are flooding the shore and I can't...
Find my way home anymore...
That's when I, I
I look at you... ❤️
When I look at you, I see forgiveness
I see the truth...
You love me for who I am...
Like the stars hold the moon...
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone....
Yeah, when my world is falling apart...
When there's no light to break up the dark...
That's when I, I...
I look at you....

{Thomas pov} *upstairs* *Smut* *18+*  *time skip 10pm*

This is so beautiful.. omg.. did charlot wrote this?? Omg this is beautiful.. damiano needs to see this.. maybe he can sing this..???

'What are you doing???'

Shiit charlot...

'Uhh nothing...'

'Then what are you holding???'


'That's my diary!! Give it back!!'

'Hey! I didn't read anything only this...'

I point at the text..

'That's just... uhm.. i was thinking about you when i wrote that...'


'Yeah.. uh it's just a text...'

'Babe this is beautiful... maybe damiano can turn this into a song???'

'Thomas! No!...  it's something private...'

'But.. babe mayb-...'

'Thomas no! Now give back my diary!!..'

'Noo first a kiss then you can have it back..'


*and she kisses me*

'Hehe got ya..'

I say while pulling her closer to me while she kisses me.. and pushing her against the bed..

'Hmm.. thomas...'

She says while she moves her hips against my private part...

'ffck... babe.. what are you d-...'

And she cuts me off between the kiss

'I want you... right here right now..'

Charlot says while her diary has fallen on the ground because i droped it...


'Shh thommy... i want you.. right here right now...'

'But you are on you're pe-..'

'Not anymore... thommy..'

Charlot says while she leans into kiss me again... while she starys undressing me...

'Hmm.. babe...b-babe...??'

I say while i am pulling back a little to hard..

'Ouch! Thomas...'

'Sorry.. i didn't.. wa...-'

And she cuts me off

'Thomas what's wrong???... you bit my lip... by the way...'

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now