31.{i kissed a girl p2.}

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{Charlot's pov}

'Vic.... I ... your my best friend...'

'i know.. i am s-..'

Ane before i knew i kiss her..


'Shhh.. vic.. don't say a word..'

I say while we start to kiss again...

'hm.. vic...'


She says while she pulls back...

'vic.. can we go???'

'Charlot you just kissed me and now you wanna go???'

'vic.. i think i made a mistake... with thomas...'

'What???charlot you guys are married and you exp-...'

'What's going on???'

Shiit thomas...

'Nothing.. baby...'

'I know you're lying...'

'There is.. there is nothing.. thommy just..go back up stairs.. '

'Babe what's going on here???'

'Thommy..nothing just.. please go back upstairs.. okay trust me.. there is nothing..'

I say while looking into his eyes


*and he leaves again*

'My god... vic w-..'

'Charlot.. let's just.. talk tomorrow okay??? Right now you're just confused...'

'No no no.. vic iam not.. i mean.. no!...'


'Vic you don't understand... all this time.. i was b-..'

'Charlot.. please let's just talk tomorrow... okay???'

'Yeah yeah..alright vic..'


*and she leaves*

{Vic's pov}

What the hell just happend???? I mean whutt... ughh mayen i should call Damiano.. i mean i tell him everything... ughh!!

'Oh hey Vic??'


'What's up???'

'Charlot kissed me...'


'She kissed me.. we kissed twice... i mean.. i don't know what happend...'

'Vic.. calm down...'

'I am calm!..'

'No you're not.. vic.. do i need to pick you up??'

'Yes.. please...'

'On my way..'

*and he hangs up*

Ughh! I have soo many Qeustions.. i mean... ughh!! Why did she kissed me?!.. i mean i don't know if she has real feellings. I don't know anything.. ughh!!! This is sooo confuseingg.....ughh!! lottie is my best friend.. and we have fun all the time and now this... i remember when i first met her.. she was so pretty... i mean her eyes....


'Oh jezus! You scared me!..'

'Get in.. we're going home..'


*in the car*

{Damiano's pov}

I am in the car with vic driving home and i don't know what happend but she seems very upset...

'So uhh what the hell happend??'

'Well.. we were wachting a movie and then i told her i liked her..and then we kissed twice... andd.. i got heated..'


'yeah.... '

'Vic.. she is married...'

'I know.. and i've told her that but.. she told me she wasn't happy.. but i also told her that she was just confused..'

'Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants...'

'Yeah..maybe.. yeah i don't know...'

'vic you should call her tomorrow.. and just tell her how you feel...'

'Dam.. i already did that...'

'No i mean how you really feel..'

'Ohh.. like that... uhh...'

'I think you should do that..'

'You think??'

She says while she looks at me with tears in her eyes..

'Vic..hey.. it's okay.. i know it's scary..because she is married and all that but you have to talk to her...not today but tomorrow.. okay??? Now do you wanna stay at my place?

'I know.. i know... uhh at yours... i really need a friend right now..'

'It's okay vic.. i am always here for you vic..'

'thank you dam...'

'No thanks vic.. you're like a sister to me.. i am always going to be here for you'

'I know dam.. i know..'


*the next day* *9am*

{Charlot's pov}

I woke up early.. today because i couldn't sleep because of what happend.. so now i am down stairs with my phone in my hands..trying to call vic..but i can't...because of what happend yesterday.. the kiss... us.. kissing...



'Why are you down stairs??and why do you have you're phone in your hands???'

'Nothing... thommy..'

'It's not nothing why is vic calling you??? And why are you acting weird???'

'What??? Vic?? No.. she is-..'

Omgg... here we go....


'Can we talk about this later????'

'Babe come on... why are y-..'

'Thommy.. please...'


*and he leaves*

{Thomas pov}

I am upstaris again and i have no clue why charlot is acting so weird.. i mean she only acted this weird when she was cheat-.. omgg....

'Vic! I love you!..'


'No!! Vic.. i don't love him.. i love you!... can you just..ughh! Vic come on!...'


'Vic please can we meet...'

Omgg.. she is cheating again..omgg.....


Hehehe okayy another chapter! And part 2 is already up! But! The first chapter is comming to you on ; january 2! Sooo see you ! And i hope y'all have a great new years!😘😘😘 loveyouu all ! Byee😘😘😘😘

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