25.{Christmas eve}

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{Charlot's pov} *smut* *18+*

It's christmas eve and thomas and i just got back from a christmas dinner with his parents and tomorrow my mom and brandon are comming here for the holidays so yeah and We brough alessandro with us as well and thomas his mom said to me that he looked like thomas haha it was so funny but anywas now we just got home and i just put allesandro to bed and now i am in the bedroom

'Hmm.. babe.. come here..'

'No i have to change..'

'Noo.. come lay next to me...'

Thomas says while he pulls me closer

'Thommy.. i wanna change my chlothes..'


'Thommy... come on..'

'Noo.. come here... i want you..'

'What did you just say??'

'Uh i want you?...'

'Thomas.. i am tired.. '

I say while lying.. actually i want him to but i just like to tease him a bit sometimes


He says while he starts kissimg my neck and leaving hickeys all over my neck...

'Hm-mm.. thommy... '

'You like it?..'


'I tought you sais you were tired...'

He says while he stops and starts undressing me

'i lied...'

'I knew it..'

'How did y-.. oh f-... hmm.. thommy..'

I moan while starts kissing my neck again

'You like that??..'

'Y-you really need an awnser don't ya..'

'Yes.. yes i do..'

He says while smirks and conitues

'Hm.. th-thomas.. i.. i wa-..hmm...'

'You want what??..'


'Didn't hear that what did you say??..'

'Hmm.. i want you...'

'As you wish my love...'

He says while he stops and he starts undressing him self..

'My god.. thommy have you been working out??...'

'Yes.. uh for you...'

'Oehh hot...'


'Aww you're blushing cute..'

I say with a big smirk on my face while i am putting my hand into my panties

'What the he-...'

'Well i have to do something when you underess yourself..'


'What??..hmm.. you don't like what you're seeing?...'


'Well..than shut you're mouth..'



*a little while later* *there doing the dirty*

{Thomas pov}

'Hm.. y-yes... oh g-god.. y-... babeee...'

'Hmm... thommy...'

*alot of dirty things*

'B-babe we..-'

'Sh-hut up... oh f-.. thommy.. i ... sh!t sorry..'

'Don't worry babe.. you're nails aren't hurt-ting me.. b-babee...'

'Hnm!.. tho-... oh m-... fc..ck...'

*alot of dirty things*

'Thom-thomas.. f-fast...ohh m-.... **ck..'

'Bab-..babe.. i am g-..'

'S-same thom-thommy... oh f-... ***ck...'

*and you all know what happends now*


*in the middle of the night* *1:00 am*

{Charlot's pov}


It's the middle of the night and i wake up screaming while my eyes are wide open and just had the worst nightmare ever.. and i have wierd feelling in my stomach as well...

'babe??? What's wrong?...'

'N-nohthing.. just go back to sleep..'

'babe.. you we up screamimg.. what's wrong?..'

'I-i-i-.. had a nightmare again.. ab-about you and me.. and this time my ex was in it... Jason...'

'You're ex?..'

'Y-yes.. he he.. was horrible to me.. i - i- i-...'

I say while i am trying to talk but i can't.. and there are the tears...

'Hey..shh.. mi amore.. hey.. shh.. come here baby..'

Thomas says while takes me into his arms

'Shhh.. it's okay.. it was just a bad dream.. it's over now.. hey shhh... baby...'


'Shhh.. you don't have to talk about it.. it's okay.. hey.. shhh look at me...'

He says while he lifts my chin up with his hand

'It was just a bad dream mi amore.. i am here now.. you're safe.. it's okay...'

'i-i kn-now..'

'Now.. shall we go back to sleep mi amore?...'


'But first wipe those tears away.. i hate it when you cry mi amore..'

'I-i kn-know...'

I say while i am wiping my tears away..

'Now are you okay??...'

'Yes.. it's just i think i ate something bad because i have this weir feelling in my stomach...'

'Ohh... Babe are you sure you okay then???..'

'Yes.. i'm okay.. maybe it will go away.. can we go back to sleep now?...'

'Yes..mi amore... i love you..'

'I love you to thommy...'

I mumble while my eyes are already closing...


Okayy another chapter!😘😘✨✨ soo uhm enjoy! And see youu next time!😘

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