14.{Are we friends or are we more?} p2.

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'Leo.. hmm..'

'Lottie.. you sure you want this??'


I say while i lean into kiss him again.. omgg this is so wrong... no! Charlot you can't do this...



'I uhm.. i mean we can't do this..but...'

'But what???'

'I have a feeling that i can't stop this... but...'


'but i.. am leaving...'

I say while getting off the couch

'Lottie??? I am sorry for saying this but what are we??? I mean it's pretty clear that you have feellings for me but... what you are doing right now is very confuseing...

'I know.. but this has to end here.. before it gets worse.. i am sorry leo..'

{end of the flashback}

{Charlot's pov} *a couple of weeks later* *9pm* *at thomas his house*

It's a couple of weeks later and i haven't seen leo in a while only damiano and vic and ethan.. and me and thomas are still together.. i explained everything to him.. he was mad.. very mad but we made up.. hehee i am not going to say howw but now we are putting the christmas tree up.. because next week it's christmas! Sooo yeah

'No thommy.. that's not the ri-..'

'Shh i know how to decorate..'

'Yeah i can see that.. haha'

'What are you laughing???'


*smut* *18+* *details*

'Lottie... you know what happens when you laugh at me...'

'Oehh do tell.. cause i don't know haha..'

'You know.. you pay...'

'Oehh.. now i am scared haha..'

I say with a playfull smile..

'you should be..'

Thomas says while he pulls me closer.. and his grip is rough but not that rough.. hehe watch.. me..

'Not so fast.. you're...'

I say while i am getting out of his grip and pulling him closer..

'You're going to listen to me...'

I whisper close to his ear with a naughty voice


'Now.. be a good boy for me.. and go upstairs....'

I say while i am kissing his neck and then i am letting him go...

'Y-yes.. mrs...'


I say with a big smirk on my face...

*Upstairs* *aldults only* *18++*

{Thomas pov}

'Hmm.. fck.. honey.. what are y-you doing to me... my gosh fck me already...'

I moan while charlot is teasing me.. god i lobe it when she does that.. it drives me crazyy...

'I didn't hear that...'

She says while she gets ontop of me and moving her hips against my private part

'Fck.. just fcking do something.. i am beggin.. you...'


She smirks while she moves her hips again... god i can alsmost feel her wet panities... she is so good at this.. ughh

'F-fck.. babe. Just.. please.. i want you...'

'Well as you wish....'

Charlot says while she undresses herself.. my god.. is she beautiful... oofff...

'Now it's my turn..'

I smirk while iam turing her over so i am ontop of her..

'Noo it's mine...'

Charlot says while she turns me over.. and now i am underneath her...Godd.. i want her so bad... seriouslly... she so fkcing hot.. omg... okay woah thomas control yourself no more bad words.. please.. hehehe

'Just f-...'

And before i can say anaything she is already on my *you know what... i mean here* *not going explain* *thank youuu*

'Hmm... thommy... oh fck...'

'Hmm.. babe....'

I moan while she moves her body.. against my you know what*

'Hmm.. god you're so hot baby...'

I say while i lay my hands on her b**bs.. and playing with them a little.. bit...

'Hmm!... shit.. sorry.. godd.. this feels so g-good...'

'Hmm.. B-baby you can scream... i don't mind..'

'Hmm.. yo-.. oh ffck...'

*alot of dirty thingss*



*alot of dirty things again*

~after a little while~

{thomas pov}

'Hmm.. fck.. cha-char-charlot.... I i i .. oh sh!t... sorryy...'

'Do-don't worry you didn't hu-hurt me.. g-go on.. pleasee...'

She moans while now i am ontop of her and i am moving a little to fast.. but.. it feels so good..?? I that.. never mindd...

'hmm!.. thommy!...sh!t sorry.. f-for screaming...'

'I don't mind.. i-it's h-hot.. ohh fck...... i am g-g...'

'Me too tho-thommy.....'

**alot of moaning**

'Tho-tho-thom-.. oh my g-godd.....'

She moans while i am very close...

'Bab-by...... oh ff-....ck...'

'C-...oh sh!tt....'


I moan while out bodies moving against eachother *they both c*m*

'M-my goodness.. that was...'

'Freaking... - amazing...'

I say while iam layning next to her and catching my breath..

'I..i.. oh god.. i love you so much thommy...'

'i love you to charlot....'

I say while i am pulling her closer and taking her into my arms..

'I lovee youu..'

'Haha i love you too my prinscess...'


'Don't call me tha-..'

And she cuts me off

'I know i know.. haha..'


Whohooo okayy another chapter! I hope it's not too dirty if it is i am sorryyy😅😅😅 and uhm well enjoy! See youu next timee🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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