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{Charlot's pov}  *time skip* *5am* *at thomas his house*


I scream while my eyes are wide open...

'Babe??? What's wrong?????'

'B-blood.... Omg... noo!!....'

'Shhh baby...'

'I..i...i.. omgg.... I... i.. wasn't pregnant.????'

'babe.. i think so... i mean the test was it still trust worthy???'

'I don't remember... maybe it wasn't... i guess... omgg... i am on my period now.. awesome...'

'Baby.. do you need help with something???'

'Yeah uhm can you give me some new underwear and uhm a new pjs...'

'Sure honey...'

'Thank you...'


*later that day* *smut* *18+* *downstairs*

{charlot's pov}


I say while i am layning against hist chest on te couch while we are waching a movie


'I was thinking...'


He says while looking into my eyes...

'uhm.. well... maybe uhmm we can uhmm...'

And my hand is going down to his pants while i rub my hand against his tigh a bit... cause i know he likes that.. in some sort of way hehehe

'Hmm.. babe what are you up to??'

'You know...maybe we can have some fun..?? I men you.. i am still on my period..'

'oeh... o-okay...hmm.. babe stop that..'


'Touching my tigh.. you know why...'

'I know.. but... i am just teasing you...'

I say while my hand is going lower and lower... and then into his pants..

'ffck.. baby... gosh.. wha-...'

And i stop while taking my hand out of his pants and i smirk at him... and taking his pants off...

'Babe.. not here...'

'What??? Are you not comfy??..'

'Yeah but...'

'But what???..'

'Nothing.. just... please contiue...omg...'

'Well.. as you wish...'

And i take his boxers off as well..

'Oeh.. you're already horny... oeh...'

I say while bringing my face closer to his*you know* and i start with *you know what i mean here*

{Thomas pov}

'Oh ffck... gosh baby....'

*alot of dirty things*

'Hmm.. you like huh??'

She says while she stops and then she starts again*

'Y-yes.. omgsh... b-baby.. ffck... my goodness... oh m-...'

*alot of dirty things again*

'Hmm!... sorry... babe.. gosh...'

'Don't be.. you can scream..'

She says whith a big smirk while she stops and starts usesing her hand as well... *if you know what i mean*

'Hmm.. ffck... my god.. charlot... baby..omggg....'

'hmm.. mamam-.. babee... pl-.. o-mg...'

I moan while i am looking at her while she *you know* god she is so sexy... my god.. i would love to f*ck her.. now... my god.. thomas control yourself..

'hmm.. baby... i-.. oh ffck.. i am getting ,cl-..closer...oh ffck...'

*alot of dirty things*

'Hmm.. babyy... oh m-my g-godd.. i... fcck....!...'

**alot of dirty things again**

'Hmm.. babee.. i am cl-clo-close.. ohh fck...'

'Oehh.. i know.. you're face never lies thommy..'

She says while she stops and she then conitiues...

'Hmm.. oh my g-god.. babyy... ff-fck... gosh.. this feels ama-amazing.. oh ffck....'

*alot of moaning an dirty things again*

'Hmm.. babyy..b-baby.. i.. i am g-.. o-... ffcck!!... '

I moan a little to loud...

'Oehh.. i like it when you're screaming...'

She says whit he big smirk while she stops and then she contiues..

'ffck.. b-baby..omg.. i .. ffck...!!... sh*t sorry...'

'Don't be.. thommy... i like it when you scream.. it's hot..'

She says while she conutiues...

'Ba-baby... oh.. ffck.. i am s close no-now.....'

~ alot of dirty things.. ~

'B-babe.. i am g-.. oh ff..ff..fck!..... s cl-...oh gosh.....'

I moan while grabing her hair.. and leaning foward.. while my body is a bit shakey...

*and i c*m almost all over her face..*

'Oehh.. well done thommy...'

She says while she stops...

'm-my g-goodnes... honey...'

I say while i am cachting my breath.. and looking at her.. with all my c*m over her face...

'oh my god.. babe i am so s-..'

And she cuts me off..

'It's okay.. thommy.. i'll go wash it off..'

Charlot says while she mirks and sticks her tounge out and she *you know what i mean here thank youu*

'Oehh sexy...'

'Hmm.. you are sexy... but uhm i am going to wash my face.. and hand...'

'Sure honey...'

I say while putting my boxers back on and pants..

*after she washed her face*

{Charlot's pov}

'wanna watch another movie??'

'Yeah.. sure baby..'

'Okay what do you wanna watch??'

I say while sitting next to him on te couch..

'Uhm babe can we just cuddle maybe??..'

'Yeah sure thommy...'


He says while he takes me into his arms..

'I love you lottie..'

'I love you to thommy.. more than you know..'

'Aww mi amore.. you're making me blush..'

He says while he turns all red

'Aww thommy!...'


Okay uhm 🙊 can somebody open a window because uhh.. never mind uh well enjoy! I hope it's not too dirty if it is i am sorryy😅😅😅

see yaaa🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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