20.{Good for you!}p1.

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{Charlot's pov}

It's a day later and leo is comming over today and i hope it's gonna go well because i know he still has feellings for me but i don't because i love thomas and we are going to get married!! I nean we wanna wait untill my birthday butt i couldn't be more happier with all of this.. i mean my intern is going great! And today i am off because my back hurted alot today and still.. so i just woke up from a nap when thomas comes into the bedroom


'Oh hey..'

'Do you feel better??..'

'Yeah i feel a bit better yes..'

'Are you sure?? Because de the doctor said that you needed rest during these busy days so..'

'I know i know.. too much stress.. but i am fine thommy.. i really am don't worry pleasee.. now come here..'

'What?? Why?? Leo is comming over anytime soon'

'Just come here..'

I say with a cheeky smile

'babee what are you up to now??..'


I say while laughing.. a little hehe i lovee to tease my thommy sometimes hehehe


'What?? I just wanna a cuddle..'

I say while he walks towards the bed and i am pulling him closer

'just wanna.. cuddle..???'

'yeah.. now come lay next to me..'

'no.. cause i wanna know what you are up to??..'

'Thommy.. come on.. i just wanna cuddle..'

I say with a very big smirk on my face

'Hehe no you don't want that.. i know that look forget it..'

'Haha oh no you're not going anywere..'


He screams while i am pulling him closer again

'Now you have to..'

'You are crazy you know that??'

'Haha yeahh i know..'

~a couple of hours later~

{Thomas pov}

Leo just got here and now he is all over charlot again.. ughh i mean we are friends and i know he won't do anything again but still it' annoying...ughhh

'Mi amoree..'

'Yes thommy..'

She says while she stands up from the couch

'Shall we order take out for tonight??or shall we go out again??'

'Uhh we can order take out..'

'Good now.. does you're back still hurts??'

I say while i know that leo is looking so i wrap my arms around her and pulling her closer..

'Jeezz get a room.. or something..'

'Leo?!.. i am in my own house..'

Charlot says a bit angry

'Babee don't d-..'

And she cuts me off

'No thomas.. it'a enough.'

'Babe do-..'

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now