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{Charlot's pov} *a day later*  *12:30*

It's a day later and i am soo happyy! Me and thomas are back together! I mean i should thank brandon for this because he came up with the idea of just going back soo yeah now me and thomas are watching a series on the couch while my little boy is very busy inside...

'Mi amore?..'

'Yes my love..'

'Are you alright??...'

'Yeah i am fine.. it's just my little boy is very busy these days..'

'Aww honey...'

'It's okay.. i mean sometimes i even feel the little kicks... when i lay my hand on my belly..'

'Can i??...'

'Yeah sure..'

*and he lays his hand on her belly*

'Feels wierd huh?...'

'Haha yeah.. but also amazing.. because i still can't belive we are having a boy...'

'Awww thommy...'

*and he takes his hand off her belly*

'It's true.. babe.. also tomorrow Elena and leo are comming over..  iff you're allright with that..??'

'Yeah.. sure.. '

'Mi amore if you don't want to the-..'

'No it's okay.. and also i am with you now.. so..'

'Yeah that's right..'

~couple of minutes later~

{Thomas pov}

It's a couple of mintues later and leo has just got here with elena and i can tell that it's hard for charlot to see her best friend dating her bestfriend

'Mi amore can i talk to you for a sec??..'

'Yeah sure..'

'In private??'


*and they go to the kitchen*

'Lottie i can see that you're having a hard time..'

'Thommy.. it's nothing... '

'Tell me..'

'Thommy.. it's just wierd seeing him with one my best friends i mean it's Elena of all people.. i've known her since higschool i mean...'

'But still it's wierd???'

'Yeah it is but i am over it.. because i am with you and we are having a baby boy so...'

'I know mi amore.. and i can't wait to meet our little boy..'

'Aww thommy.. me too.. now shall we go back??..'


{charlot's nightmare} *6am*

'Noo!!!! Noo!!! Don't leave!!.. thomas!!! Noo!! Not again!!!..'

'Mi amore.. you cheated on me.. and i can't trust you anymore you did too much..'

'But we can talk this trough???... please..please don't... don't leave me!!....'

'I am sorry lottie but it's for the best.. now go take care of Our boy...'

'Nooo!!!... tho-thomas pleaseee.. don't leavee!!..

{end of charlot's nightmare}

{Thomas pov}

It's 6 am in the moring when i am wakimg up next to charlot who's screamimg..

'Don't leave!!..'

'Honey..??? Hey.. mi amore.. look at me.. hey...'

{Tw!; panic attack}


'Hey hey.. look at me.. mi amore.. look at me...'

While i am trying to take her into my arms but she is to paniced..

'Hey hey... mi amore.. listen to my voice..hey hey...shhhh..'


'Shhh mi amore.. it's okay..hey shhh mi amore.. listen to my vocie.. and try to breathe.. '

'Th-thomas.. it was so scary..'

'You had another nightmare??..'

'Yeah.. i mean.. i've b-been having then since we got together and n-now..back together..'

'Shh i know mi amore... now try to breathe.. other wise it's dangerous for our boy..'


'Shh.. now.. do wanna tell me what the dream sas about of do you wanna go back to sleep??..'

'Back to sleep.. i am so tired...'

She says while she almost fall asleep again

'I can tell... now are you okay again??..'

'Yes thommy..'

'Good... now go back to sleep mi amore..'

*and after a little while we fall asleep again*


*in the afternoon* *12am*

{Thomas pov}


'Hmm!!.. i wanna sleep!...'

She says while she almost slaps me in the face with her hand.. after we fell asleep she had another nightmare and she couldn't sleep so she almost stayed up all moring... but i was tierd too as well so we took a little nap and now i am trying to wake my mi amore

'Babe come on.. it's already 12 '


She says while she lifs her head up from her pillow

'It's already 12 and we have to go soon because we have an interview today..'

'Wait what???'

'just get up mi amore...'

'Nooo.. i wanna sleeep...'

She says while he pust her head into her pillow

'Amore.. just get up now..'


'Babe don't be stubborn now.. come on..'

'Okay okay...'


Allrightt another chapter! Hope you likee itt 😘😘 and see you next time!!😘😘😘

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