32{'you mean nothing to me!!'} p1.

75 3 2

{Charlot's pov}

It's a day later and i tried to call vic many many times but she is not picking up and thomas is already worried about me because i am acting weird and he tries to talk with me about it but i am not in the mood right now because i am having pain in my stomach all day now.. and it's getting worse now...



'Are you allright???'

Like he has to ask ugh! Ofcourse i am not.. i mean i've been on bed rest now for a while and the doctor said that i still had one week but i think it's time...for my girl to see the world.. yes it's girl... i could've been more happier ...

'no.. it's getting worse.. i think our girl wants to see the world..jezuss!!.. sorry..'

'Babe please stop saying sorry.. i am going to call the doctor okay??..'

'No!.. not yet.. can you please stay...'

'Babe your in pain... '

'Yes..but please stay.. i am scared...'

'Don't be.. you can do this..honey...'

'No i can't...it hurts too much..'

I say while iam starting to cry   Ughh! I can't do thiis.. i mean it hurts..so badd..ughh!!

'shh baby.. look at me.. you can do this..now shall i call the doctor??'



*and he leaves*

{Thomas pov}  *some hours later*

'Omg..babe i can't belive she is here.. our baby girl..'

'She is beautiful...'

'Just like you my love..just like you...'

'Thommy...do you wanna hold her?..'


I say while i look into her eyes... i know she is lying.. i mean about that she is okay i mean she is nervous because i know.. but she doesn't know that i know it.. you get it loll problaby not loll

'Hi bella..'

I say while i start to tear up and our Little Bella lays in my amrs

'She looks just like you.. '

'No she looks like you thommy..she has your eyes:.'

'Aww thommy...look! She smiled at you!!..'

'No she didn't'

'Yes she did..'


*the next day* *11am*


It's the next day and i am waking up to charlot... aww she is so cute when she sleeps.. i mean... ughh no she isn't.. she is a cheater...

'Goodmoring my love...'

'Goodmoring lottie.. did you sleep well??'

'Yes.. i slept great.. actually..'

'Good my love..now about last night...'

'Huh???what about it???'

'Don't act like you don' t remember..'


'Babe i know you cheated..'


'I already knew...'

'When did you find out???'

'When you called vic... and yesterday i knew it for sure..'


*flashback* *11pm*

{Charlot's pov}

'Hey vic... come in..'

I say while opening the door.. for her

'hi lottie..'

'Hi vic..'

I say while i pull he closer... (*not knowing that thomas i wachting them*)


She says while she leans into kiss me..

'I missed you...'

She says while she pulls back

'I've missed you to vic.. now.. shall we go to your house??...'

'Sure babe..'

'Okay..let me get my stuff...okay??..'

'Okay babe...'

{end of the flahsback}

{charlot's pov}

'W-wait so you saw me???'

'Yes.. now you have untill today.. to leave...'

'Wh-what??? Thomas.. i ... i.. what??? Why???.. i mean we can work this out rh-tight???'

'no we can't charlot..'


'Charlot please!. Just.. leave!...'

'Thomas.. i i.. i...'

'Charlot..just.. go... okay???'

'Th-thomas.. i.. i.. i mean what ab-about the kids??...'

'Charlot!... no!... just go!!..'


'Charlot just..ugh!!'

'I mean..y-you can't do this.. i mean y-you mean everything to me.. y-you just can't do this..'

'Charlot.. you mean nothing to me!!.. anymore! Just go!!...'


'Just go!!...'

'Okay.... If want me to go.. then i'll...'


Alrightt another chapter! The last one of 2021♥️ soo i hope that you all have a great new years and i wish you all the best!♥️♥️✨✨ soo uhm see youu next timee ! Love you all!!😘😘 also part 2 of this story is already up! so go read it! I'll post the first chapter on january 2! Xxxxx

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