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{Charlot's pov} *a couple of weeks later* *in the moring* *11am*

It's a couple of weeks later and i am already starting to show a little.. haha i mean it still feels so unreal to think that there is a little human in my belly.. and also the fact that i am getting married!.. i mean i still can't belive it tho.. butt it's almost christmas and i have so much to do like wraping gifts ughh and some other stuff because my mom and brandon are comming! After this weekend! And only brandon knows that i am pregnant my mom doesn't soo will see how that goes...


'Yes mi amore'

'Aw cute you're saying mi amore.. sounds so cute'

'Thommy!... i learned it from you tho..'

'Awww i can teach you more words if you want..'

'Uhh maybe someday.. haha..'

'Well uhm i was thinking... lottie..'


'Shall we go out for dinner tonight??..'


'Because i wanna celebrate... i mean i wanna show my girl to the world.. you know..'

'Aww thommy!...'

'But uhmm first i got you something...'


'Well come upstairs and find out..'

'Thomas.. you're scareing me..'

'Come on.. i think you will like it..'


{charlot's pov}

'Thommy can i open my eyes now??..'

'Yes you can darling..'

He says while i am opening my eyes and looking at a beautiful dress that's laying on the bed

'Omg!! Thommy!!!..'

'You like it???'

'yes!!! I lovee itt!.. omgg!.. you're spoiling me.. omgg...'

'aww i tought maybe you could wear it tonight?and with christmas maybe??..'

'Ofcourse! Come here you..'

I say while hugging him..

'Hm.. i love you so much..'

I say while laying my head on his chest..

'I love you to mi amore... so much..'

'Well.. uhh thommy... i was thinking...'

'What were you thinking??..'

'Nothing.. hehe i am going to take a shower..'

'Can i join??...'

'uh nope..'

I say with a cheeky smile on my face  while i am walkink towards the bathroom and closing the door..

'Not fair!!!..'

I hear thomas screaming from the bedroom

'Get over it!..'

I shout back

*A couple minutes later*

{Charlot's pov}

It's a couple of minutes later and i am showering when i hear that someone.. thomas is comming in..

'Thommy.. you can't join me..'

'Ohh i'll..'

He says while he comes into the shower

'Jezus! You scared me!...'


'Oeh how did you get undressed so fast??...'

'Uhm i was uhm thinking about you and uh...'

'oehh you were thinking about me.. sexy...'

I say while i am looking into his freaking beatiful eyes... my god his eyes are so so.. intense but also freaking beautiful..ughh!...

'you're sexy...'

He says wihle he leans into kiss me...and pulling me closer...

'Hmm.. thommy.. we c-..'

'I know.. just.. let me do something diffrent.. you will love it...'

And he starts touching me everywere while the kiss is getting heated and everytime he touches me i get shivers.. i mean.. it kinda feels good... haha i don't know how to disricbe it.. but it's diffrent .. and it feels so good.. at the same time..

~after the shower~

{thomas pov}

Me and charlot just got dressed and she hasn't said a word to me since i let's say tried something else then just sex...


'Yes my love..'

'Did you..??? Did you like it?..'

'I actually did.. i mean it felt so good..also very diffrerent.. but good...'

'Well.. if you want me to try more.. then..'

'Will see...'


'Yes thommy..'

'I love you...'

'I love you to thommy...'

~time skip~ ~10pm~

{thomas pov}

Me and charlot just watched a movie.. and she fell asleep against my chest.. i mean she is so cute when she sleeps.. it is so cutee...  and also she is already showing a bit.. and i still can't belive that i am going to be a dad.. it feels so unreal sometimes.. haha okay i am just blabing right now haha.. ... you know.. i never tought that i would find someone like charlot.. i mean when i saw her that night outside at the club.. i tought.. she has to be mine.. and now she is.. wich i never expected.. but it happend.. and i couldn't be more happier.. i mean i found the love.. for me..

I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight❤️


Okay.. uhmm another chapter! I hope you likeee itt😘😘😘 and see youu 😘✌🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

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