21.{good for you!} p2.

59 4 2

{Charlot's pov} *a couple of months later* *at home* *in the Netherlands*

It's a couple of months later and i am not with leo.. anymore.. we are still friends but i didn't work out as we hoped it would so now i am back in holland for the holidays because i had no were else to go.. and thomas has been sending me messages.. all day bit i don't awnser them..

'Hey sis..'

'Oh hey brandon..'

'What's up???'

'Nothing.. thomas is texting me all day now...'


'Because he wants me back but i don't... i wanna be alone..'

'Well does he know that???'


'Then awnser his texts and tell him..'


'Sis do you still love him??'

'Yes i do..'

'Then text him back sisi...'

'Brandon i don't think that's good idea...'

'I think it is because you miss him and other wise go back to suprise him...??'

'Yeah i could do that... but what if??...'

'What if?? Sis you love eacohter!... no go book a ticket!...'


'Go book it!.. end of discussion!.'

'Ugh okay... anyway.. thanks brandy..'

'No prob sis..'

~the next day~ *time skip 12:30* ~at the airport of rome~

{Charlot's pov}

My god.. i am back.. omg.. it's been a few months  but i missed it tho.. now leo was going to pick me up bit now ethan is picking me up because leo couldn't at the las minute so now i am waiting for ethan outside the airport.. my god it's freezing..


'Oh hey ethan...'

I say while i hug him we became good friends when i was in holland he always called me and texted me and yeah i did awnser his textst..  but with thomas i didn't .

'how you been??..'

'Fine.. actually what is leo doing right now???'

'He is with Elena.. they are together now..'

'Wait??? What??? El and leo are together?!!'

'Yeah they've been daiting since you were away..'

'Okayy.. well uhmm shall we go to the car?? I am freezing...'

'Yeah sure lottie..'

*a little while later* *in the car* *12:52*

{Ethan's pov}

Me and lottie are driving to the må house basically that's were the guys are right now and i mean thomas vic and damiano not leo because he is at Elena's house soo now we are driving... and lottie has been very Quoiet the whole ride



'What's up??'

'Nothing.. it's just wierd to be back here.. i don't know why...'

'Well maybe  .. is it because of the memories??? When you first got here??'

'Yeah.. maybe edgar... maybe..'

'Well we are almost there so.. uhm are you ready to see thomas???'

'Yeah i am.. but does he kn-...'

'No he doesn't just me..'


'Okay i told it to damiano and vic.. that you were comming..'


She says while she sighs

'Oh and lottie by the way.. you are so beautifully pregnant...'

'Aw thanks edgar.. i mean  i just can't wait to meet my little boy..

'Is it a boy??.'

'Yeah.. i can't belive it but.. it still feels so amazing...'

'Aww lottie i am still so hapoy for you.. now uhm we are here... uh are you ready??'

'Yes i am ready...'


I say while i park the car and we're getting out..

'Do want me to take you're suitcase??..'

'Yeah.. if you want..'

'Ofcourse lottie..'

I say while getting it out the car..

'Now let's go...'


{charlot's pov}

Omgg.. i am so nervous.. ughhh i mean i haven't seen thomas for a while and ughh!! Anways we just got insde and dami and vic were super happy to see me and they told me that thomas is in his room upstairs crying almost all day because he misses me and i don't awsner his texts he only came out for lunch.. vic said that by the way anywaysss now i am in front of his room and my heart in beating out my chest.. uhhggg okay charlot.. just knock on that damnn door now.. ughh!!...

'Who's is it???...'

'Uh..thommy... it's me...'


'Hey.. uhm can you open the door please...'


Omg aw poor thing.. i can hear him crying omgg.. what the hell did i doo. Ughh

*and he opens the door*

'Hi.. thommy..'


Omg he has been growing a beard omgsh he looks so sexyy.. an-.. ughh omgg what is that smell??? Jeezz he smoked alot of siggarettes...

'Thomas.. i don't know were to start but.. first i just wanna say that i am so so so so so sorry.. for everything.. i mean i messed it up and i screwed with you're head.. and .. it's all my fault.. i mean i really messed it up between us.. and i reget it because i really love you.. and i missed you.. and every night i cried because i missed you.. and.. also  the reason i didn't text you was because i tought i wanted space but i didn't want that.. anyways thommmy.. what i am trying to say is that.. uhh do you wanna get back together??....'



'I've missed you to.. and i know you're sorry but it's also my fault because i told you to be together with leo..'

'no thomas.. you tried to be a good uhm i mean you know what i mean but...it's not your fault.. it's mine.. and i am sorry that i got back to holland...'

'Lottie.. please just stop talkimg...'




I say while he comes very close to me and i can hear his heartbeat and his breath...



And our heads are so close rightnow just one step away from kissing...


'Thomas i-...'

And becore i knew it.. he kisses me passiontlly..


Hehehe they are back togetherr hehe for now hehe nope or should i?? Hahah uhh well enjoy this chapter! And see ya!😘😘

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