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{charlots pov}

'Yes it does.. thomas.. yes it does.. i mean.. you're my first serious boyfriend...'

I say while getting out if his amrs and trying to find my shirt... were i slept in...



'Babe.. you're looking for this??'

He says while he holds my shirt up in the air...

'Hey!! Give that back!! How did y-.. never mind.. jus give it back!..'

I say while laughing adn trying to grab it..

'Noo.. i am keeping it haha'

'Thomas raggi! I swear just.. give it back!..'

'Noo hahaha..'


*someone knocks on the door*

'Lottie.. breakfast is done.. are you comming??'

'Uhh yeah.. uh leo just a sec..'


*and he goes away*



'Ughh just give it back!..'

'Nooo.. i wanna round two and then you can have it back.. hehe..'

'A-... no way!... no...'

'Then i am keeping your shirt...'



'Ughhh.. alright..'

'Haha got ya..'

He laughs while he gives my shirt back

'You sneaky little!... that's not...oehh now you're going to get a round two...'

I say whit a naughty look..

'Babee.. uhh.. i was just jo-joking..'

He says nervouslly...

'hehee nervous??'

'A-a bit...'

'Oehh even better..'

I say while i am pulling him closer to me and kissing him..

'Hm... babe..'


'Babe... we have t-...'

And i cut him off

'No no... you wanted a round two..'

'Babe i-i was j-joking...'

'Yeah sure.. what ever just.. kiss me..'


*after a little while*

{Thomas pov}

'Hmm.. babe... i-i-.. i want you...'

I say between kissing... and looking at her while she is on top of me...

'hmm.. you realky want me huh??...'

She says with a cheeky smile

'Yh-yeah... '

'Oehh you're already so horny... oeh i can feel it..'

She says while moving her hips against my private part


'Oehh.. do that again...'

And she moves her hips again

'Ff..ck... babe j-just stop teasing me...i wanan f*ck you...'

'Then fck me...'

'Oh i'll...'

I say while grabbing a condom from the Nighstand and putting it on and turing her over so i am on top of her.. and moving a little with my hips against her private part...*if you know what i am talking about*

'fck.. th-thomas... please... fck me...'

'You said what??'

*and i do it again*

'Fck... m-me...'

'Say that again...'

'G-gosh!!.. just fck m-... omgg....'

She moans while i smirk at her and i start*

'Hmm... th-thomas... baby...'

She moans while her hands are on my back

'M-my god baby you're wet...'

'Hm.. only for you thomas.... Oh ffck...'

'Hmm.. b-babe...'

*alot if dirty things*

'Oh m-'

'Char-charlot... omg...'

I moan while i start kissing her...

'Hm.. ba-baby... i love you...'

She moans between the kiss

'I love you...'

'Hmm.. th-thomass... y-...oh ff...'


*alot of dirty things again*


*afte a they did the dirty*

{charlot's pov}

'M-my god.. that.. was ama-amazing..'


Thomas says while layning next to me an cachting his breath again

' i love you so much thommy...'

'I love you to  mi amore..'

'You know...'

I say while playing with his hair..


'Well.. i've never been with someone like you... i mean... my last boyfriend was horrbile to me... and when we you know.. it wasn't you know... love...'

'Yeah i know what you mean.. been there done that...'

'Omg... i am so sorry..'

'Haha it's okay i am over it.. i mean she didn't even love me...'

'Omg... i am so so sorry...that must've been hard...'

'Yeah but uhm.. i don't wanan talk about it to much.. so uhm...'

'Yeah.. shall we go get dressed and go down stairs..??'

'Yeah good idea haha...'


Alrightt well uhmm enjoy! And see youu next time!!😘😘😘

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