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{Charlot's pov} *a couple of days later* *at the må house*

It's couple of days later and i don't feel good at all.. everytime is smeel food it makes me wanna trhow up... ughh and leo is also getting very worried.. and damiano to suprise.. haha but now i trew up a third time and i feel so sick ughhh


'No it's me charlot...'

'Oh dami.. greaat... ugghh not aga-...'

And i throw up a fourth time yaaayy...

'Are you sure you're okay???'


I say while flushing the toliet again...ughhhh

'Maybe you should take a test??'

'Damiano... no.. i am not pregnant. I mean everytime i... oh shiit...'

'charlot maybe you should do one just to be sure...'

'Yeah i guess...'

I say while comming out of the bathroom

'I can ask gorigia or vic to get you one if you don't want to buy one yourself..???'

'Yeah uh sure... uhmm maybe vic can get me one but uhm damiano.. please you can tell leo but not thomas...'

'I won't tell thomas.. don't worry..'

~Time Skip~ *still at the må house*

{charlot's pov}

'Omg... vic... please i can't look...'

'Shall i look then??..'

'Yes please just..ughh!!...'



My god my heart beat is rasing now..omgg.. what if.. i mean i am only 20 i mean ughh...

'Uhh charlot.. i uhm..it's postive...'

'omg.. i am pregnant?!!...'


'Omgg... i can't... i... omgg.....'

'Charlot... is it??...'

'Ofcoursei t's thomas his baby.... I mean...  ugh.. now i have to tell him...ughh...'

'Shoudn't you be happy??'

'Vic.. i am only 20 years old.. i mean.. i don't even know if i can do all this...'

'i know it's scary but... i think you can do it...'

'You think????'

'Yeah... '

'Omgg.. vic what do i do??? Now i have to tell thomas.. i mean what if he doesn't take it well???'

'He won't... lottie.. and if he does then i am going to very mad at him..'

'Hahah okay.. that makes it a little better then...'


*the next day* *at thomas his house* *12;30*

{Thomas pov}

Charlot has been acting wierd all day.. and she doesn't want to tell me why..but she is throwhing up almost every minute so.. there has to be something wrong tho... because leo knows something to but he won't tell me either...

'Babe?? Are you okay???'

'Yeah... just a little sick..'

She says while comming down stairs...

'Babe can you please tell me what's wrong??..'

'Okay..but don't be mad okay?? Promise..'

'Yeah.. i promise.. now just... please tell me what's wrong..'

'Thomas..  i uhm i am pregnant....'

'You're pregnant!!...'

I say while i am starting to tear up out of happiness


'Babe that's amazing!!!'

'Wait?? So you're not mad for not telling me???'

'A little but... babe that's amazing!!...'

'Really??? I mean we just started dating.. and i don't know....'

'Babe that doesn't matter.. i mean... i can't belive it!.. but it's amazing!...'

'So.?? You want me to k-...'

And i cut her off

'Ofcourse want you to keep the baby.. i mean i always wanted a little one...'


'Yeah i love kids...'


She says whe she tears up...

'Aw honey... come here..'

'It's.... It's... so unreal....'

She says while crying aand walking towards me and hugging me...

'Shh i know.. i know... but you're happy right??'

'Yeah ofcourse i am happy..but i am still young you know...'

'Mi amore.. i am sure you will do a great job at rasing our little one..'

'Yeah.. i hope so.. i mean. Vic told me that to..that i could do it...'

'And she's right..'


'I love you...'

'I love you to thommy..'


{Leo's pov}

I still can't belive one of my bes friends is pregnant i mean.. lottie is only 20 and already.. ughh i still can't freaking belive it... i mean i always proctect her from boys and now.. she is dating one of my best friends and then today lottie tells me this.. i mean.. she also still young.. but thomas ofcourse and vic.. they think lottie can do it.... And me to but still..  i think lottie is wayy to you to get pregnant i mean if we were together i would never ever let that happend.. all tho... maybe.. no never mind...



I say while getting out of my toughts

'Charlot is down stairs..she want to talk with you'

'About what???'

'I don't know.. she is you're best friend.. not mine..'



'Yeah yeah.. i am comming...'


Hehehe another chapter! Okay sooo uhm enjoy! And see yaaa🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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