27.{Christmas🎄✨} p2.

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*couple of hours later*

{Thomas pov}

The others are in the waiting room and i am with charlot in her room she is sleeping right now but you can she that she is hurt.. my baby.. i mean i called her a slut but this is too much...


'Omg! Lottie!..'

'Hey... what..what.. happend??..'

'You got hit by a car... uhm i'll go get the others...'

'Wait??the others are here..??'

'Yeah vic,damiano, and ethan..'

'Wait??? I mean... i ruined their christmas...'

'You didn't.. babe... i'll go get them..'



~after some time~

{Charlot's pov}

'But.. dami.. is leo mad at me???'

'Uhh i don't know.. he left when we were going to you...'


It's a couple of hours later and almost everyone is gone expect damiano and thomas who's sleeping.. i mean he is such a cutie when he sleeps..omgsh..


'Yeah dam...'

'do you really love thomas??..'

'Yes i do very much.. i mean.. he is the-...'


'Hey thommy...'

I say while i am smilling at him my god he is so cutee..

'Bro can me and charlot talk in private..'

'Yeah sure.. i wanted to goo gorigia anyways...'

'What is she??..'

'Waiting outside yes byee..'

*and he leaves*

'So uhm... thommy you wanted to talk?...'


'uhm.. i am sorry.. that i called you a slut...'

'Thomas.. i was drunk... and leo was too.. i mean it was a mistake... it was stupid...'

'Lottie.. shall we get married???'


'Like right now..'

'Thomas.. what????? I am in the hospital. I just go-...'

'lottie please just say yes...'

'Thomas.. you're not thinking stra-..'

'Lottie ... please just say yes... i love you so much .. and i wanna marry you..'

'Thomas... i mean i tought we..'

'Lottie shut up! And just say yes..'

'Yes..thomas.. i wanna marry you...'


*in the moring* *11am*

{Leo's pov}

Ughh!! Why is my phone buzzing... it's 11am ughh!!!... i had huge fight with elena last night.. we broke up.. because i told her what happend with me and charlot...ughh! Why is is still buzzing!!!...




'I got married...'


'I got married to thomas.. last night....'

'Charlot???are you crazy???'

'Leo.. i am not... crazy.. i am in love.. and i am married now.. just wanted to tell you that..'


'Leo... just.. be happy for me...'

'I am but charlot y-..'

'leo.. please...'

'Charlot i am happy for you...'

'Thank you..'

*and she hangs up*

Omgg...my best friend just got married.. i mean it's.. insane... i mean she is only 20 and already married i mean..omggg.....Ughh!! Not again!!


'Hey bro what's up??'

'Nothing.. dam.. i just woke up...'

'Leo i know you... come on say it..'

'Charlot just called me to tell me she is married..'

'She what?????'

'She is married...'

'To thomas??? What?? Ofcourse to thomas..'

'Yeah... she just told me i mean... i don't know what to think dam.. she is one of my closet friends..'

'I tought i was..'


'Haha i am sorry.. but maybe you can call her to come over? And talk about it??..'


'Hey hey.. woah buddy she is your best friend not mine..'

'i know..i know sorry..'

'Well i gotta go.. leo..'

'Yeah whatever.. bye..'


*and he hangs up*


{charlot's pov}

I am at home again.. with thomas.. and i still have to rest because of the accident... but yesterday we just gor married! And i couldn't be more happier. I mean it was at a crapy hospital.. but still it was amaing! And also i am pregant! Again.. but thomas doesn't know it yet.. so i don't know how he is going to react but.. that for another time because we just got married..and today my mom comes over to celebrate christmas.. with us.. and brandon too so i don't know how they will react tho.. i meam my mom is sometimes a little dramatic.. but that's okay tho...


'Yes my love..'

'Are you happy??..'

'Yes i am .. i mean i am your wife now..'

I say while i lean into kiss him...

'I am happy to babe.. i stil can't belive it but i am happy..'

'yes me to thommy.. me too..'


Allrightt another chapter! I hope you like itt and see youu 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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