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{Thomas pov} *5 am* *in the moring*

I can't belive she did this.. ugh!.. i mean i trusted her.. i believed her.. everyword.. maybe it was just all a lie and she doesn't even love me.. i mean what if she is really in love with leo..  then i have te breka uo with her.. no no no no.. i can't do that... i mean.. maybe i can??? Because she cheated??.. actually she did cheat on me.. with one of my best friends... ughh!!... anyways i didn't sleep the whole night.. because i kept thinking about what happend.. i mean can you blame me???...



'Why are you awake..??'

'cause i can't stop thinking about what happend that's why..'

'I am sorry for asking... but thommy you know how much i rerget it.. i mean.. leo is my best friend..'

'I know.. but do you know how much it hurts me???'

'i do.. i mean i rerget it...'

'Then why did you do it???'


'Why did you do it????'

*silence again*

'Are you going to talk??????'



'i did it because.. i tough i had feellings for leo and i had some feellings.. but then i realised i loved you more.. and also what i've done.. and i know you can forgive me... and i know you wanna break up with me so...'

'Who said that???'


'That i wanna break up with you???'


'Fo fck sake! Charlot! I fcking love you!! To much to break up with you!...'

I shout at her while she has tears in her eyes...

'Th-thommy.. i ... i am sorryy....'

Ughh she is crying greaaat... ughh i am so mad at her.... But i still love her... ugh! Whyy is everything so diffcult sometimes... mamamiaa..!!...



'look at me.. hey.. look at me... you know what.. let's just forget about this.. and never talk about it agian okay???'


'Now come here... i hate it when you cry...'

I say while i am taking her into my arms

'Thommy i am so so sorry...'

'I know... baby now go back to sleep..'

And after a while we fell asleep

~time skip; 8pm~

{charlot's pov}

i just had my first day as an intern at a restaurant in rome and it was amazing! I mean my boss was really nice and everything went well.. and now i just got to leo's house because it's closer soo yeah..

'Hii l-oh hey dami...'

'Hey you're back! How was it???'

'Yeah it was good i mean they were nice soo.. uhh were is leo???'

'He's out..'

'Okayy then.. uhmm i am going to take a shower and then i'll be back...'

'Okay... but lottie i wanted to talk about something...'

'Ugh damiano not again! We went over this.. i mean yeah i made a mistake sleeping with leo but what's the problem???'

'the problem is.. is that he has feellings for you.. lottie he loves you more than anything..'

'Damiano.. please can i just go take a shower??? I don't wanna hear it again..'

'Okay okay...'

'Thank you...'

I say while going upstairs

~a couple of hours later~

{Charlot's pov}

'Hey?? Can i-..'


I say while wrapping a towel around my body.. very fast

'Shit sorry!...'

He says while he covers his eyes

'Just please knock first okay??? Before you come in..'

'Yeah.. but my god now i know why thomas likes you so much... i mean wow..'

He says while he takes his hand away from his eyes



'Don't say that!!..'

I say while i am turing all red

'What?? You're hot charlot... i mean.. i get it now why thomas likes to f-..'


'Hehehe sorry... now can i borrow something from you???'

'What do you wanna borrow??'

'Uhh you're black dress for a christmas dinner i mean not for me but gorgi wants to borrow it.. soo '

'Yeah ofcrouse it's in my closet..'

'Okay thank you.. but still now i know why thomas likes to f-...'




Okayy well sorry noo spicey part buutt maybe in the the next one hehehe loll see youuu🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

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