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*in the afternoon* *at thomas his house* *current time; 14:40*

{Charlot's pov}

I just got back at thomas his house after spending the day at leo's with damiano we watched some christmas movies and dami made us lunch so it was great.. all tho leo acted a bit wierd because he is still in love with me and i am not soo yeah.. okayy i am blabing again loll also my christmas break has started andd i am going to work at the restaurant for some days but not much because my boss insisted i also needed rest because i am pregnant soo yeah i mean he is realy nice haha but now i just got upstairs and thomas is watching some tv in his room soo i wanted to check on him... wait is he??? Omg are that mo-omgg...

'Uh thommy??..'

I say while knocking on his door


'Can i uh come in???'

'Yeah yeah.. uh just a sec...'


'What are you doing???'

I say while i come into the room while my boyfriend is sitting om the bed with a red face


'Were you i mean ?? Did you just???'

'What ???'

'you know what i mean.. were you tou-...'

And he cuts me off

'Okay.. okay... yeah i was sorry....'

'Don't be sorry... i mean every guy does that right??? I mean i used t-..'

'God okay.. babe i don't wanna know okay?? Can you just....'

'What?? Thommy i am not mad.. i mean we can't do anything because i am pregnant soo...'

'i know...'



'Thommy there is nothing to be ashemed off.. hey look at me..'

I say while giving a kiss on his cheek and looking into his beautiul green eyes my god his eyes are just.. freaking beautiful...

'i know.. but... i just.. i don't know..'


'It's just that when it comes to sex.. i mean i know how to please you.. i mean duhh you're my girlfriend but.. sometimes i am just a little shy about things..'

'Awww thommy.. that's okay i mean you don't habe to be shy with me.. you know.. sometimes i am shy myself and that's okay because i am me.. and youre you so..'


Aww he is so cute when he blushes ughh!!...

'Now do you need some help?? Because i don't think you were done??..'

I say with a ckeeky smile..


'We can do it together.. if you uh..'

'Ye-yeah uhh.. o-okay...'

'Thommy don't be shy baby...'

I say while putting his pants down.. again..

'Oeh.. you were not done at all...'


'Hehehe.. now.. first you do it.. and then i am...'


'You heard me...'

*smut* *18+*


'Thommy i am you're girlfriend.. don't be shy...'


~after a little while~

{Thomas pov}

'Hmm!.. ff-.. ck ... y-yes.. b-baby.. omgg.. i am s-so cl-close....'

'Hmm  i csn tell..'

Charlot says with a smirk while she moves her hand faster around my*you know what i mean*

'hmm... y-yes.. oh m-my g-god.. keep d-doing that oh ffck..honey... y-.oh m-...ff!...'

'Oehh thommy you're about to cum hehe ican tell.. oeh hot..'

'Hmm.. h-how did you?...'

'Cause you're face never lies daddy...'

'Wh-what did you just call me???'

'Daddy.. you don't like it??'

'Y-yeah i d-do...'

'Good.. hehe..'

And she stars usesing her uhm let's just say uhm lips uhmm yeah .....

'Oh f-.. y-yes oh m-my.. oh ff-.... God i am cl-ose.. oh th-... babyy......'

*and i cum a bit over her face...*

(A/N; soryyy if i say something wrongg english is not my first lanauge  soo yeah😅😅)

'Oehh thommy.. you're whole face is so calm.. and sexy...'

'Hmm... that's because you know how to please me..'

'I do.. hehe.. now i am going to wash this off.. so..'

'I love you...'

'I love you to thommy..'

She says while she gets off the bed and walikg towards the bathroom

*after she washed he face*

{charlot's pov}


I say with a smile on my face while thomas is putting his pant and boxers back on

'Hi babe.. hmm...Come here you...

He says while he smiles back at me and pulling me closer



He says while we look into eachothers eyes while  he wants to says something..

'Mi amore... will you marry me??'


'Will you marry me mi amore??'

'Thomas i.. what the-...'

And he cuts me off

'Mi amore.. i am asking you again will you marry me????

'Thommy....omg.. are you???serious???'

I say with tears in my eyes

'Yeah i am dead serious babe.. i love you... so much.. and i wanna sp-...'

And i cut him off

'Yes!!.. yes i wanna marry you thomas !!...'

I say while i hug him and the tears of happiness stream down my face..

Omg.. i am going to get married..


Allrihhtt  another one 😉😉😉 i hope you all like it ! And enjoy!!😘😘😘😘

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now