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'Leo.. just tell me one thing... do you love her??'

'Yes i love her..'

'Then wy are you here???'

'Because... you're my best friend.. and uhm i just wanted to talk to you?'

'You wanted it to talk??..'


'Leo come on what's wrong? I mean you showed up here in the middle of the night i mean there has to be something...'

'I just... wanted to talk..'


{end of the flash back}

{Charlot's pov}

Ughh what time is it??? I think it's early... because thommy is still sleeping...ugh okay let's check my phone.. oh god.. it's 6am?!... ugh.. let' try to go back to sleep then.... ma-.. oh no alessandro not noww...


'Thomm... go back to sleep.. i'll go..'

'You sure?..'

'Yeah.. go back to sleep..'

I say while getting out the bed..


'Yes thommy..'

'I love you..'

'I love you to thommy...'

'Will you still marry me?...'

'Ofcoruse i'll..'


He says while he yawns omgg he is so cute!.. and he falls back to sleep

~time skip~ ~12am~

{Thomas pov}

'Babee.. wake up..'

'Hmm!!.. thommy.. '

'Mi amore you have to get up..'

'Noo.. alessandro kept up almost all moring.. i am tierdd...'

'mi amore it's already twelve..'


'You have to get up now..'

'No.. '

'Yes you have to..'


'Yess.. come on..'

I say while pulling the bedsheets away...


'Hehe  look who's akwake..'

'Not funny!!'

'Hey..! I am not laughing...'

I say while i am trying not to

'Thomas raggi! You're sooo fcked noww..'

'Oehh i am scared hehe..'

'Well you should be cause now i am comming to get you...'

She says while she gets up and walking towards me

'Hehe and what wil-.. oh fck...'


She sayw while her hand is on my private part

'Babe..can you stop please?..'

'Oh so now you want me to stop huh??'

'Y-yes please..'

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now