Chapter 2

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"I can explain..."

    Yuan Bai immediately took out the medicine in his pocket and showed it to him, proving that he was useless at all.

    The potion is contained in a small glass bottle, only thumb-high, dark green, like potion boiled in a witch's cauldron.

    Fang Lin took over and fiddled with it for a long time, but didn't see why, and looked up at Yuan Bai coldly.

    Yuan Bai told me all about it honestly.

    This matter is Lei Ge's fault.

    He didn't know where he got this medicine, it is said that it can turn ordinary people into guides.

    What else to say, the better-looking people are, the easier it is to awaken.

    He caught Fang Lin at a glance.

    This is just bullshit. Even with Lei Ge's virtue, anyone with long eyes can tell that he is stunned.

.Lei Ge didn't tell the original owner of the true effect of the potion, only that it was a drug, and asked him to find a way to drink it to Fang Lin.

    After Fang Lin heard it, his face became worse.

    "I got the potion, I didn't want to use it for you." Yuan Bai stared at his death, almost incoherent, "I came to you today to tell you have to be careful."

    "This medicine can really awaken the guide?" Fang Lin didn't believe it.

    Sentinels and guides have high social status. Many people want to awaken in their dreams. If they really have this kind of medicine, they will definitely be snatched wildly. Does Brother Lei need to secretly give it to him?

    "It can be..." Yuan Bai was afraid that he would have strange ideas, and quickly told the truth, "but the risk is extremely high. After using it, the mortality rate is very high, and very few people can wake up."

    "It's best not to use it.".Although Fang Lin has the protagonist's aura in the original book, and the awakening is successful, but there is also a problem with the spiritual power behind.

    The troubles are endless, it is better not to use it.

    "Brother Lei, what are you going to do?" Fang Lin returned the potion to him with doubts in his eyes.

    It was useless to persuade him before, but today it seems to be a different person.

    If it weren't for the exact appearance, Fang Lin would almost suspect that he was being impersonated.

    In fact, there is really a different person inside.

    Become a rabbit who knows the current affairs and obeys the law.

    In such a situation, of course, it is to call the police.

    "For people like Lei Ge, let him go where he should go." Yuan Bai recalled the location of the "old place" and called the police in front of Fang Lin.

.When Fang Lin left, he was still not very optimistic about his planting plan, leaving a sentence "If the planting fails, you can still try it at the pet shop."

    Yuan Bai agreed vaguely, closing the door and letting out a sigh of relief.

    Finally fooled over, temporarily safe.

    You can start planting.

    The original white was full of energy and proceeded to process the strawberry seeds.

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