Chapter 77

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"I..." Yuan Bai wanted to say that he was not a human being, he was a rabbit demon. Although he could be transformed into a human form, he was still different from a human. It's just that this statement is too mysterious, I'm afraid Fang Lin won't believe it.

    As a result, Fang Lin turned around and asked, "You don't have extraterrestrial descent, right?"

    "Ah, this...really not." Fang Lin had already doubted it.

    "Then why can you become a rabbit?"

    This is what you asked, so don't believe it.

    "Because I am a rabbit demon."

    Yuan Bai carefully observed Fang Lin's expression and found that he was not surprised when he heard it. Instead, he showed a thoughtful expression, "So, it's no wonder you are so special."

    In fact, it is not very special. He has only been transformed for decades, only low-level spells, and the only thing he is good at is farming. He is a very ordinary rabbit demon.

.In Yuan Bai's view, the sentry guide and spirit body here are more special.

    I don't know how Fang Lin understood it, so he asked, "Is it easy for a rabbit to become a human?"

    "Of course not easy."

    To be precise, only a rabbit demon can become a human being, an ordinary rabbit cannot. The rabbit demon needs to inherit the bloodline, and the original white's bloodline is of average level, which is really a very ordinary rabbit demon.

    "Do you know any other rabbit monsters?"

    "I don't know." There can be no second rabbit demon here, so Yuan Bai is also special.

    Fang Lin smiled: "Oh, then you can't be with the rabbit demon, you can only choose to be with the humans."

    "Yes.".When the inhibitor failed for the first time, Yuan Bai realized the heat of conjugation, and had been planning to find a boyfriend, but unfortunately there were too many things afterwards and he didn't take any action after so long.

    Fang Lin asked softly: "What do you think of me?"

    Yuan Bai was a little surprised: "What?"

    "How about being your boyfriend?"

    The first reaction Yuan Bai heard was a little excitement and a little joy.

    Fang Lin knew his secret. If the two were together, Yuan Bai at least didn't have to worry about showing his ears.

    Moreover, the two are also at the right level. They are both at the top of the 2S level. If they eat some carrots and watermelons, they should soon be able to reach the 3S level.

    I don't know what kind of mental power the guide sorts out for the sentinel. The original white fruits have a guide effect. Fang Lin's mental realm and mental body are in very good condition recently, and he shouldn't be able to sort it out.

.Fang Lin said he liked rabbits before, did he like him?

    How to accept it? In the way of the rabbit demon, or the human way, what is the way for the rabbit demon to accept the other half?

    Yuan Bai, this rabbit was confessed for the first time in his life, and he thought a little bit more for a while, but when he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by an annoying voice.

    "Cousin Fang Lin, and Yuan Bai, you are here!"

    Fang Lin had all the thoughts of killing people instantly, and said with a black face, "Stay away from us."

    Lu Wenyu had a thick face and didn't leave even when he was driven away. He smiled to please him: "Don't be so ruthless, Cousin Fang Lin, since we are relatives, can I have a word with Yuan Bai?"


    Yuan Bai: "..." All his thoughts were interrupted.

.Lu Wenyu has been messing around, Yuan Bai had no choice but to ask: "What's the matter with you, let's talk about it."

    "That's...that, the rose cake from last time, is there any more?" Lu Wenyu rubbed his hands and asked expectantly.

    Fang Lin glared at him: "No."

    Lu Wenyu turned his head to ask for the original white.

    Yuan Bai: "You have awakened, what else do you want rose cookies?"

    "It's not me, it's my ordinary classmates. They wanted it very much, but couldn't buy it, so I had to ask."

    After Yuanbai sold a batch of wheat-derived medicines last time, it has not been auctioned for a long time because of the malicious comments on the Star Network.

    "Do many people want it?"

    "Very much!" Lu Wenyu deliberately increased his tone.

    "That's it."

.Seeing Yuanbai's intention to continue selling medicine, Lu Wenyu hurriedly hit the snake and went on the stick: "I know that some brains jumped out to make trouble last time, in fact, you don't need to pay attention to them, or..."

    "If you don't dislike it." Lu Wenyu was a little embarrassed, "I can help a little bit."

    Yuan Bai was a little curious about how he could help.

    Just as the wheat planted on the planet is ready to be harvested again, Yuanbai announced the news of the second round of auctioning medicines.

    The people who clamored for Yuan Bai to take out the medicine formula came again, and Yuan Bai knew what Lu Wenyu could help.

    Not only could he hit ten at school, but he could also spray ten at a time on the star network. Those people who came to trouble were all sprayed by Lu Wenyu.

.Lu Wenyu's mouth is usually cheap, and when he sprays people, his mouth is especially cheap. He can't wait to spray people into a sieve. Yuan Bai held Guangnao and watched it again, a little relieved.

    Of course, the final solution to those people is the original white blacklist.

    This time, the number of people who came to register for bidding status doubled. Yuan Bai discovered that there are really many people who want to buy medicine.

    Those who speak bad words are only a very small part, and they are not worth mentioning compared to the majority who waited in silence.

    It was only those remarks that were particularly dazzling, and Yuan Bai was unprepared at first, and it was affected.

    Really, I am grateful to Yuan Bai for the many people who have researched medicine.

    After that, Yuanbai gave birth to a batch of wheat seeds every month, and auctioned the medicine once a month after harvest.

    Although the quantity is limited and the price is expensive, there is always hope for ordinary people.

.Originally, Yuan Bai wanted to continue to go back to transform Carrot Star, but school had already started.

    For convenience, Yuan Bai and Fang Lin moved back to the villa.

    Fang Lin stood at the door of the villa and asked again: "We have been living together for so long, don't you really consider being my boyfriend?"

    This time Yuan Bai didn't have any random thoughts at all, and couldn't wait to agree.


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