Chapter 46

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After Yuan Bai entered the pharmacy major, the students around him were very curious about him.

    There are more people paying attention to him, and the greenhouse has been discovered by everyone.

    The outside wall of the greenhouse has been specially treated, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside. Everyone has started to speculate.

    Within a few days, a new rumor spread among the students: Li Hongming helped Yuan Bai build a pharmacy research room privately in the college.

    What's even more outrageous is that some people say that the original white's healing potions are made here, and that the research room is now full of healing potions.

    Nowadays, the treatment medicine is still in the stage of pricelessness. Many sentinel students really want to buy the medicine. After hearing the news, they immediately surrounded the greenhouse.

    Yuan Bai sat in Fang Lin's bedroom worrying: "I can't go into the greenhouse now."

.As soon as he approached the greenhouse, the crowd would block him up, babbled inquiring about the medicine, and some people even offered to buy it at double the price.

    Yuan Bai has told them many times that the medicine will be auctioned in a few months, but everyone obviously doesn't want to wait, and wants to buy it in advance.

    Someone who can't block the original white in the greenhouse will go to his bedroom and wait by his window. Yuan Bai opened the curtains in the morning and almost peeed his pants when he saw a few strange faces.

    Unable to stay in his bedroom, Yuan Bai hid in Fang Lin's bedroom.

    "How is your leek planting?" Fang Lin brought him a dark dish from the cafeteria.

    "Thank you." Yuanbai took it and started eating. "The leeks have been planted smoothly, and the leaves have not turned yellow. They will mature in about three months, and there will be 10,000 potions for auction every month."

.Ten thousand copies per month can almost solve the severe mania of all the sentinels at present, and those who will suffer from it in the future can also be supplied. Fang Lin nodded when he heard it, "Have you explained to them?"

    Yuan Bai shrugged: "I have explained it many times, but they didn't listen at all, so they recognized that my greenhouse was full of potions and deliberately didn't sell them."

    Fang Lin thought for a moment, tentatively suggesting, "Smuggling in for you?"

    The hand of the original Baijiacai: "How to smuggle?"


    Originally understood, now that he has fallen off the horse in front of him, there is no need to hesitate, this method can also be used.

    At noon that day, the people who had been waiting for a long time around the greenhouse did not see Yuan Bai, but saw Fang Lin opening the door of the greenhouse with his pet and walking in.

.Yuan Bai changed back into a human form as soon as he entered, hurriedly put on his clothes, and said in surprise: "They didn't stop you."

    Fang Lin hooked his mouth, and did not say that he used deterrence to frighten those people.

    There are still a few pots of carrots in the greenhouse, Yuanbai reluctant to eat up, and planted a few more pots.

    The rest is grapes, which have a guiding effect, which is similar to strawberries. It cannot cure Li Hongming.

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