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Yuan Bai felt that he was fat.

    I blame Fang Lin for his cooking skills getting better and better. He changes his style every day to make good food. I said that I learned a dish for a long time. The more I learnt seems to have caused a qualitative change. The recent dishes are delicious. Swallow all the plates.

    Yuan Bai turned into a rabbit and ate the last carrot ball. He was in a particularly good mood, so he climbed onto the scale by the way.

    Shows that he has gained three pounds again.

    "Chiji!" It's impossible, it's only half a month, I can't get so much fat!

    At night, Yuan Bai grumbled and complained to Fang Lin that the quality of the weight scale he bought was too bad, and it broke in just one month.

    Fang Lin put him in his hand and weighed it, and said casually: "It seems to be heavier."

    Original White: "!"

    Really fat? No, the rabbit demon obviously won't get fat easily.

.Yuan Bai struggled with this all night. When he woke up in the morning, seeing Fang Lin rubbing his shoulders, he began to wonder if he was too heavy and numb the other's shoulders.

    Because of absent-mindedness, the original white breakfast unknowingly eats a bowl of carrot porridge.

    The pharmacy course was even more difficult this month. Yuan Bai didn't want to listen to the heavenly scriptures, so he became a rabbit and Fang Lin went to the mecha department for training.

    As soon as he walked into the training ground, Qiao Yuesi noticed them.

    Ever since Yuan Bai established a relationship with Fang Lin, Qiao Yuesi has seen Fang Lin's various dislikes, always looking for opportunities to provoke him on the training ground, and of course the outcome is often various forms of abuse.

    As a result, every time Qiao Yuesi saw Fang Lin, he wanted to pick something wrong with him.

    Now Fang Lin is 3S-level and has a flourishing beauty, which is very popular in the academy. Qiao Yuesi looked at it and turned his attention to his pet.

."What have you fed him recently? It's fattened into a rabbit ball."

    Original White: "!"

    a bolt from the blue!

    Am I so fat!

    "Chi Chi Chi!" Yuan Bai's whole rabbit is not good.

    Fang Lin quickly calmed down and said, "Where is fat, he is just fluffy and cute."

    Qiao Yuesi left them with a subtle look.

    Yuan Bai is unhappy: "I want to lose weight..."

    "Oh." Fang Lin's reaction was flat when he heard it, and continued to work on the ingredients in his hand.

    Yuanbai struggled: "I really want to lose weight!"

    "Will you have carrot patties today?"

    "I want it!"

    The weight loss plan is postponed indefinitely.

    It is too difficult to control appetite, so the original white is prepared to grow more, consume more energy, and may be able to lose weight.

.He remodeled the back garden and planted various flowers in it, all of which are mana-consuming and grow slowly. Yuan Bai has stayed here from morning to night in the past few days.

    Fang Lin was afraid that he would be tired, so he moved a recliner to let him lie down and rest when his mana was exhausted.

    Yuan Bai slept lazily for a nap on the recliner, and when he woke up, he saw a white rabbit sticking out of the flowers.


    Yuan Bai rubbed his eyes and looked intently. The rabbit was frightened and turned and hid in the flowers.

    How come there are other rabbits in the house! ?

    Yuan Bai rushed into the flowers and searched, but he couldn't find the rabbit again.

    Where is hiding?

    The defense system at home is always on, let alone rabbits, even mosquitoes can't get in, how come there are strange rabbits?

    Unless someone brought it in.

.Fang Lin secretly raised another rabbit?

    Yuan Bai was furious with this idea, and went to find Fang Lin's theory.

    "You actually have another rabbit!"

    Fang Lin was confused: "..."

    "Did you think that I was fat recently? You secretly raised other rabbits and put them in the garden? I found them all!"

    Fang Lin: "..."

    "How can there be a rabbit?" Fang Lin went to the garden with him, but he didn't find the rabbit after looking for it for a long time.

    Fang Lin said that he was wrong, Yuan Bai refused to give up, insisting that he was right.

    In the evening because of this incident, the original white gas ate five more carrot patties.

    Yuan Bai set up the alarm clock the next morning, planning to go to the back garden to catch the suspicious rabbit earlier. He didn't expect that when he opened his eyes, the rabbit was lying in front of him, still sleeping.

."Fang Lin!!!"

    In a rush, the two caught the rabbit.

    Yuan Bai was still angry: "Now you have nothing to say."

    Fang Lin put the rabbit on the scale: "Look."

    The weight is displayed as zero.

    The original white was bulging: "The scale is really broken."

    Fang Lin turned Yuan Bai into a rabbit and put him on the scale. The value was Yuan Bai's weight two months ago.

    "You haven't gotten fat, and the sentinel guide will gain weight before awakening because of the need to awaken the mental body."

    Fang Lin put the white rabbit that was smaller than the original white in front of him: "This is not another rabbit, this is your spiritual body."


    Yuan Bai really wanted to lose his memory on the spot.

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