Chapter 69

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"Guan Qi."

    Fang Lin was taken aback: "Are you sure?"

    Yuan Baicou whispered in his ear: "It must be him. The last time I saw him and Qiao Yuesi eating together in the cafeteria, I felt something was wrong."

    Qiao Yuesi, the young master, has a big temper. Apart from his special attitude towards Yuan Bai, he rarely gives other guides a good face.

    Before Tian Xinlei exposed Yuan Bai’s mental enhancement potions on her social accounts, Yuan Bai turned into a rabbit to go to class with Fang Lin in order to avoid trouble. In the college cafeteria, she happened to meet Qiao Yuesi and Guan who were going to eat together. start.

    When Fang Lin fed Yuanbai carrots, Qiao Yuesi saw that he abused rabbits.

    Every time I heard someone complain about carrots, Yuan Bai's memory was very deep, and he noticed Guan Qi at that time.

.Guan Qi was more low-key than the others, dozing off with his eyelids down all day long. If it hadn't been for Qiao Yuesi to choose him as his partner during military training, Yuan Bai couldn't even remember his name.

    Qiao Yuesi wanted to eliminate Fang Lin, Guan Qi refused to cooperate, and the two teams disbanded in place. In the end, everyone else had a partner and only they were left, and they were forcibly divided into a group by the instructor.

    Later Qiao Yuesi told Fang Xiayang's secret, and Fang Xiayang used mental power to attack him. Guan Qi also refused to help. Min Ziyin passed by and interrupted Fang Xiayang.

    The person researching potions can control low-level guides, even S-level sentries, and Fang Xiao guessed that the opponent's mental power might reach 3S-level.

    Guan Qi never uses mental power in front of people. His unwillingness to cooperate is one aspect, and he does not want to reveal the true spiritual power level.

.Yuan Bai: "Why does he want my mental potion so much?"

    "Just ask, he may be nearby." Fang Lin and Yuan Bai walked to the front garden and saw Qiao Yuesi squatting on the ground pulling out carrots.

    Fang Lin took out the rope and tied Qiao Yuesi directly.

    "What are you doing!" Qiao Yuesi screamed, struggling, and was gagged by Fang Lin.

    Yuan Bai was a little worried: "Does he still have his own consciousness now?"

    "Yes, he used the same reason to buy the medicine from you, just to remind you vaguely that he must have his own consciousness, but he can't break away from the other party's mind control."

    After Fang Lin finished speaking, Qiao Yuesi's struggling movements became much smaller, the expression on his face became even more rigid, and there was a more painful look.

    "It's just an outbreak of mania. It will be cured after 12 hours. Don't struggle." Fang Lin advised him.

.Qiao Yuesi struggled even harder when he heard it.

    There was a sudden gunshot at the gate, and someone broke the gate of the villa and broke in.

    The six sentries were armed with guns. Seeing that their proficient movements were probably mercenaries, they broke into the villa and directly surrounded the garden in front of them, followed by a guide.

    "Guan Qi, or I should call you Qiu Xin." Fang Lin blocked Yuan Bai behind him.

    "It's okay." The mercenary around Guan Qiqiyi, "take away all the carrots here."

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