Chapter 66

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There are more than 60 S-level sentries in Shaman City, more than any other cities in the agreement zone. These sentries are useful helpers and are also huge hidden dangers.

    When they lost their minds and began to go crazy, the whole of Shaman City was in chaos.

    First, the factory’s transport truck ran into the crowd, and then the city guards went to the streets to bite people like crazy. There were screams and explosions everywhere.

    The people gathered here carry various alien bloodlines, many of them are poisons, and the chaos caused by mutual attacks and bleeding is extremely tragic.

    In order to escape the hell-like Shaman City, the crowd began to attack the defensive system. Three hours later, Jiangling's lockdown ban was broken, and all ordinary people rushed into the Star Harbor and fled by spacecraft.

    There was black smoke everywhere in the city, and occasionally the roar of the frantic sentry could be heard.

.Yuan Bai stood on the roof of the hotel and found Jiangling's position with mental strength, "He is in the pharmaceutical factory."

    Jiang Ling had been unleashing his mental power to search for them a few days ago. After Shaman City fell into chaos, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, and immediately put away his mental power to throw away the sentry around him and hid in the pharmaceutical factory.

    A few people went to the factory immediately. It was bombed a few days ago, and some buildings collapsed. Today, the out-of-control suspension vehicle crashed into the factory and destroyed a lot.

    Jiangling specially selected the strongest one. There was no window on the four white walls, only a heavy alloy door.

    Yuan Bai: "He is inside."

    As soon as the voice fell, the alloy door in front of them slowly opened.

    With mental strength, Yuan Bai saw Jiang Ling sitting on the second floor of the laboratory, with his legs folded and slowly wiping his glasses, without a trace of panic on his face, as if he was waiting for them.

."Although he has only one person, it really looks like a trap." Li Hongming said to the open door.

    Fang Lin noticed the unusual breath: "It's a trap, there are dangerous things in it."

    "Danger also goes in. Jiangling must be caught today." Fang Xiao drew out his gun and walked forward first, "Fang Lin protect Yuan Bai."

    As soon as a few people stepped onto the first floor, the alloy door behind them slammed shut.

    Jiangling's gloomy voice came from the second floor: "You have ruined my hard work, and you have to die for me!"

    He put on his glasses and pressed the controller in his hand. The bulletproof glass wall between the first and second floors fell down, and the bright light on the ceiling turned on to illuminate the surroundings.

    Several people saw ten huge glass cylinders embedded in the wall on the first floor, filled with light red liquid, and tall figures floating in the liquid.

.When a few people were looking at it, the glass cylinder suddenly burst open, and the viscous red liquid spread all over the floor, making the entire ground wet, and the people inside also opened their eyes and crawled out.

    Yuan Bai could not help but feel a little sick when he saw the look of the people inside. Those things can no longer be counted as human beings. They lie on the ground with sharp nails on their hands and feet, and the facial features on their faces are merged together. They are more like human-shaped monsters than humans.

    At first glance, it is the failed product of the pharmaceutical transformation.

    The monster surrounded a few people and launched an attack together.

    These monsters move quickly, have a strong offensive power, and as if there is no pain, even if they are shot, they do not flinch, and they still attack people frantically.

.After a brief fight, Fang Xiao's faces became serious. Each of these monsters has the strength of a 2S-level sentry. What's worse, the first row of glass cylinders on the wall shattered, revealing the second row behind them.

    Jiangling looked at Yuan Bai with bitterness: "There are 100 2S evolutions here, and they will tear you to pieces."

    Just as Fang Xiao had solved four humanoid monsters, the second row of glass cylinders was also broken.

    More and more monsters crawled out, and they would die here sooner or later.

    Yuan Bai looked at Jiangling on the second floor and released his mental power to attack him, but was blocked by the glass wall.

    Jiang Ling sneered: "No need to struggle, the walls here can isolate mental energy."

    Then I will use force.

.Yuan Bai raised his hand to release his mana to the glass wall, and a crack was blasted out with a bang, and a strong fragrance of vegetation filled the room.

    The monsters that crawled out smelled this smell, and they all rushed towards Yuan Bai frantically.

    There were too many monsters, Fang Lin was restricted in his actions while protecting Yuan Bai, and was accidentally scratched a few times.

    Yuan Bai was anxious, and blasted his force at the same place on the glass wall one after another, finally tore a crack in the wall, and quickly released his mental power to attack Jiangling.

    "You!" Jiang Ling saw that the glass wall was broken, and he released all his mental power to fight back. "Come on, we can only live one of us today!"

    Jiang Ling used the attack method of dying together, not giving Yuan Bai the opportunity to control him at all.

.The mental power of the two collided together and caused a storm, shattering all the glass columns on the wall.

    "Not good!" Fang Xiao surrounded Yuan Bai and tried their best to resist the rushing monster.

    Yuan Bai's brain hurt like a needle, he gritted his teeth and released the last mana, which merged with his mental power to form a sharp thorn, which plunged deeply into Jiangling's brain.

    Seeing Jiang Ling's wide-eyed eyes fell in disbelief, Yuan Bai fainted with a black eye.

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