Chapter 50

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After Yuan Bai went back, he found that the carrot was fine, except that someone threw a detector into the greenhouse and Fang Lin found it.

    "Who threw it?"

    Fang Lin: "I don't know."

    The detector was probably thrown in through a gap in the roof, and fell into the carrot flowerpot. There was a small sound when it was running, and Fang Lin's keen hearing caught it.

    Fang Lin: "During this time, everyone has been rumored that you have hidden a lot of therapeutic drugs. Some people want to use this to detect the true and false."

    In addition, a few days ago, the original white durian was planted, and the academy was full of flavor. Then he took out the new medicine. Many people began to suspect that his method of preparing the medicine was special, and some speculations were close to the truth.

    Everyone is curious about too many things, and some people throw detectors here.

    Yuan Bai was a little worried: "The greenhouse is not safe anymore."

.This incident also reminded him that the planting area needs to be strengthened.

    Qiao Yuean recommended him a security system, which was expensive but very defensive. Yuan Bai bought it directly and recruited several high-level sentinels to guard there.

    There are still some grapes in the greenhouse, the original white is picked, and the advanced guide element is extracted and sold to Min Ziyin.

    The two banana trees just planted were also transplanted to the planting area, and lychee trees were also planted there in the future.

    The most difficult thing is a few pots of carrots.

    There were two mature pots left before, and the original white was already hidden, so you can save it and eat it slowly. There are also four pots of new species. In less than half a month, they will actively absorb the original white mana every time they spawn, and they cannot be placed in his own bedroom.

    Qiao Yueran returned from field training and couldn't put it in her training room.

.Fang Lin said, "How about putting it in my dormitory?"

    Yuan Bai thought about it and couldn't think of a better place, so he agreed.

    Two days later, the greenhouse was emptied, and the rumor that the original white had hidden a large amount of healing potions finally disappeared.

    He gave up the greenhouse, and Li Hongming didn't say much.

    Instead, Sun Yanru came over and asked him: "Why, if you can't cure Li Hongming, the Fifth Prince kicked you out of the research room?"

    "That's not a research room at all." Yuan Bai said nonsense. "That's actually a game room. Now that there are many courses, you can't waste time, so you don't need it."

    "That's not a game room!" Sun Yanru blurted out.

    Yuan Bai looked at her suspiciously: "How do you know it's not?"

    "I... Of course I know.".Sun Yanru turned away from his gaze, "Who is planting a tree in the game room, and it is a durian tree. If you want to deceive people, make up a reasonable excuse."

    Yuan Bai deliberately said: "How fragrant durian is. I like it very much. I can win every round after smelling that smell."

    Sun Yanru naturally didn't believe it and changed the subject: "What do you think of Li Hongming's question?"

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