Chapter 61

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"I'm an S grade."

    Fang Lin's several test results were all S grade, and he didn't feel any problem at first, until his mental body became more and more irritable, he realized that something was wrong.

    Before, Yuan Bai gave him two pots of strawberries, which contained high-level guides. After Fang Lin ate them, his mental body got some relief, but he still couldn't solve the fundamental problem.

    And as time got longer, the White Wolf became more uncontrollable, and Fang Lin hadn't released it for a long time.

    The abnormal state of the mental body has put a lot of pressure on Fang Lin's mental realm. There have been many things recently, and Yuan Bai's mana has also increased. He is planning to talk to Yuan Bai about this.

    Fang Lin also suspected that it was a level problem. His five senses were obviously sharper and his body functions were stronger. When he was about to awaken, his premonition was obvious. These circumstances all show that he is a high-ranking sentry.

.Even when Jiang Ling's phone was accidentally opened last time, the other party was saying that Fang Lin's potential was more than S-level.

    The test result is always S grade, I don't know what went wrong.

    Yuanbai ate some strawberries for Fang Lin to try if the new guide was useful.

    There are also grades of guide elements. Most of the guide elements on the market are synthetic guide elements, which can be used by sentries of ordinary grades from E to S. There are very few advanced guide elements. The Sun Group has been researching in recent years, and there should be a breakthrough before. As it progresses, Sun Yanrui gave it to Li Hongming.

    The guide element in the strawberry newly spawned by the original white is probably a super effect.

    Sentinel guides above the S level have a huge difference in strength every time they are upgraded by one level.

    2S-level sentinels need advanced guide elements, and 3S-level sentries need special-level guide elements.

.Li Hongming is a 2S-level sentry. If it is not a mental body problem, the use of high-level guides is enough.

    Fang Lin couldn't. After using the advanced guide for so long, his mental body became more and more irritable.

    After eating a few new strawberries in a row, at night, Fang Lin told Yuan Bai a good news that his mental and physical condition was much better.

    The white wolf's eyes were still blood-red. Fang Lin let it out for half a minute, and then it assumed an attacking posture for half a minute. Finally, it didn't pounce on Yuan Bai. It was barely "in much better condition."

    Yuan Bai held the top of his head for a long time, gritted his teeth without refuting, and silently gave birth to a lot of grapes.

    After the two ate fruit salad for a few days, the white wolf really got better. Although the eyes were still red, they could recognize the original white after coming out, and would lie on the ground obediently.

.As a result, it is obvious that only the super guide can really play a role in Fang Lin.

    Is he a 3S Sentry?

    If it is true, I don't know why he is now S-rank, so he can only wait for a period of time to eat the special-grade guide element, and find a way to help him upgrade his level after he is normal.

    Then came the auction time for the treatment of mania.

    Yuanbai still used the previous auction website, and this time the number of registrations increased again. It is still auctioned in three minutes, and 10,000 copies will be auctioned for more than 20 days.

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