Chapter 11

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Since Li Hongming became sober, no one has paid any attention to Fang Xiayang.

    He seemed to have asked Li Hongming to explain once. Yuan Bai had just come out of the restaurant when he heard movement in front of him.

    "Hongming, how could I fail to save my life? Don't listen to Qiao Yuesi talking nonsense. I knew in advance that you are not in good condition. I originally wanted to help you..."

    Yuan Bai looked up and saw Fang Xiayang staggering and almost fell.

    Turning his gaze across the corner, Li Hongming was on the other side, raising an arm.

    Li Hongming does Xia Yang?

    Yuan Bai immediately denied it, impossible. Li Hongming is the prince, and he has a good mind. It is unlikely that he will act on the guide.

    Seeing his off-line cufflinks, he reacted. It was probably Fang Xiayang grabbing his sleeve, and Li Hongming forcibly pulled it back, trying to get rid of him, so he almost took him down.

.Fang Xiayang's face was flushed, and he probably explained it very hard. When Yuan Bai hit him and saw such embarrassment, his shame and anger turned into resentment.

    The gaze that came over at that moment was horrible, and Yuan Bai felt his scalp tingling when he recalled later.

    How much does this person hate him.

    He didn't do anything, so he called him to hate him. One day in the future, if he had a chance to tell the truth about Fang Lin's life experience, he didn't know how Fang Xiayang would deal with him.

    Li Hongming didn't want to listen more, it was too ugly to continue to entangle, Fang Xiayang could only stop.

    After that, Yuan Bai hadn't seen Fang Xiayang, he probably had been hiding in the resting cabin.

    Qiao Yue thought looked for a chance to taunt and went back, but he didn't see anyone.

    It wasn't until the spacecraft landed in the Imperial Capital District that Fang Xiayang walked out after a few people.

.No one paid attention to him yet, he took his bodyguards, got in the floating car to pick him up, and left.

    After separating from him, Yuan Bai breathed a sigh of relief. Fang Xiayang makes him uncomfortable, and he makes Fang Xiayang uncomfortable, so it's better to separate quickly.

    The remaining four people all go to the academy to take the test.

    Let's take the levitating car developed by Qiao Yuesijia, which is said to be the latest and fastest and most popular suspension vehicle of the year, to the Royal Outpost Academy.

    The car looked like Yuan Bai couldn't afford it, and those wildly overwhelming titles made Yuan Bai a little bit suspicious. Is it because Qiao wants to exaggerate more?

    Otherwise, they didn't reach the gate of the college for more than five minutes before they saw Fang Xiayang getting out of the car behind.

    Yuan Bai: "..." Is this the fastest speed of the year?

.Qiao Yuesi explained that all the suspension cars in Fang's family had been modified, and they couldn't be compared.

    Yuan Bai was dubious and had a bad premonition.

    After meeting Fang Xiayang at the entrance of the same examination room, Yuan Bai's hunch came true.

    In the original book, Fang Xiayang was indeed also in this college.

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