Chapter 71

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Mrs. Fang gave Fang Lin four planting planets, of which the closest one would take a spaceship for about three days.

    They haven't heard of Guan Qi, and they don't know what the person is making. Yuan Bai needs to improve his mental strength as soon as possible, so Fang Lin took him to plant the planet.

    As soon as I got off the spacecraft, Yuanbai felt the heat coming from my face. The planet was very hot most of the time, suitable for plant growth.

    Mrs. Fang said that this place is being idle, and the manager who came to pick them up explained that it was because the temperature has risen abnormally recently and the plant growth is difficult. Based on experience, the planter plans to wait for the temperature to drop before planting, otherwise it would be a waste of seeds.

    It is also divided into a number of neat planting areas, most of the planting work is done by robots, and each planting area arranges a cultivator to monitor the growth of plants.

.The manager heard that Fang Lin was the young master who had just been found by the Fang family. He came to take charge of several planting planets. He was afraid that he would not understand the chaotic command of planting. He told him in detail about the next planting plan.

    "You are going to grow wheat next?"

    Manager: "Yes, according to the experience of the trainer, the temperature will drop in another month, and it will be more suitable for planting at that time."

    Yuan Bai popped his head out of Fang Lin's pocket and squeaked weakly.

    Fang Lin has been raising rabbits for a long time, and can almost guess what he meant, and said to the manager: "Bring me some wheat seeds."

    The Fang family has a manor here, which is usually cleaned by people. It occupies a large area and can be planted at will.

.Although the manager didn't know the use of Fang Lin's request for seeds, he moved quickly to deliver them, and when he left, he took away all the people responsible for cleaning, leaving the entire manor to Fang Lin and Yuan Bai.

    Fang Lin put the dizzy rabbit on the sofa: "Change it back."

    Yuan Bai's limbs were weak, and she groaned twice on the sofa with her tongue out.

    The rabbit is too afraid of heat and is about to suffer from heat stroke.

    "I'll turn on the air conditioner for you." Fang Lin touched his furry ears and got up and walked to the other side.

    "It's so hot here."

    The original white turned back into a human form and spread out on the sofa, sweating all over, revealing white flesh and light|I didn't want to wear clothes.

    When Fang Lin came back, he just saw his fragrant | beautiful appearance, his irritated throat tightened, he coughed twice, and put the ice water glass on his forehead: "Get up and get dressed, don't play gangsters."

.Yuan Bai stretched out his hand to cover the little rabbit in embarrassment, and couldn't help complaining: "It's really hot."

    He is usually the most afraid of being watched when he transforms, and he wants his clothes to be changed and put on him. Now he can't care about anything when he is hot.

    "The air conditioner is fully turned on. Let me wipe the sweat for you. Don't catch a cold." Fang Lin found a clean towel, wiped Yuan Bai from head to toe, and helped him up a little to feed some ice water. , Finally saved his rabbit life.

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