Chapter 73

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There are flour and rose jam in the rose cake, not sure which one works.

    Fang Lin sent both for testing, and the results obtained were both effective. Among them, the effect of flour was weak and the effect of rose was strong.

    It just so happens that the wheat on this planet has not been planted yet. Yuan Bai asked the manager to send all the wheat seeds over, and every day he used his force to give birth to a batch of seedlings, and then planted them. These seedlings are resistant to high temperatures and grow quickly.

    After Fang Xiao discovered the effect of the rose cake, he determined that Yuan Bai was with Fang Lin and found him in a spaceship.

    When he saw Yuan Bai in the manor, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "When did you come here?"

    Yuan Bai deliberately said: "I will be invisible when I come with Fang Lin, and others will not see me."

.Fang Xiao didn't quite believe it. He looked around in the room and found no rabbits, and asked Fang Lin, "Where is your pet that is very edible?"

    Yuan Bai whispered in his heart, there is no way to eat, but it is generally edible.

    Fang Lin: "The rabbit is afraid of heat, so I put it in the basement."

    Fang Xiao didn't ask any more, and talked about the rose cake.

    They destroyed the pharmacy factory of Sarmancin. It is reasonable to say that the YS pharmacy flowing out on the black market should be reduced. However, the fact is the opposite. During this period, the YS pharmacy on the black market has increased.

    Fang Xiao said: "There must be another pharmaceutical factory in Guanqi." It's just that they can't find a specific location.

    Because of the increase in the number of YS medicines, the price has dropped. Many ordinary people see the opportunity and are moved.

.The news was told by Lu Wenyu to Fang Xiao, "Everyone has heard that Yuan Bai is missing, and they are all worried that he will not be able to study the Awakening Wizard's potion. Now there is a YS 50 million star coin on the black market. Many people can't wait to try it. NS."

    After Lu Wenyu awakened after eating the rose cake, he knew that Yuanbai had not disappeared and had already developed a medicine. He wanted to tell the world the good news.

    Fang Xiao didn't stop him and asked him to leak the news.

    The updated message on Lu Wenyu's social account: "6 hours after the breakup, I awakened the S-level guide, come and congratulate me."

    The next group of classmates who congratulate him, even those who usually hate him, are asking why he suddenly awakened?

    Lu Wenyu replied triumphantly: He used the original white medicine.

    One stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and the people who followed him almost paralyzed Lu Wenyu's social account.

.Lu Wenyu owed his mouth when he was not awakened. After awakening, he became even worse, answering the following questions almost non-stop.

    ——When did Yuanbai research the medicine?

    "It was researched a long time ago, and I didn't take it out until I met me. After all, I am too good, and I have the potential to awaken an S-level guide at a glance."

    ——I want to buy a medicine as many stars as possible!

    "It's expensive, but you should buy it, but you are too weak and it is a waste to buy it. Let's leave it to the stronger people."

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