Chapter 23

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This afternoon, when Shen Yunyi was taking everyone to train, the guides and two officers came over.

    "Instructor Shen."

    Yuan Bai recognized that it was Vice President Zhou. He stepped forward to call instructor Shen and took out a transfer order, "I'm afraid you can't continue to serve as the instructor of the academy."

    Shen Yunyi took the transfer order, saw the official seal on it, his eyes flashed, and asked, "Why?"

    "You should be very clear about the reason." Vice Chairman Zhou put on a smirk, "You have violated the law, and you are committing it knowingly."

    Broke the law? !

    All the guides in the class stopped and looked over in surprise.

    Even the sentry trained on the other side pricked their ears and eavesdropped on this side.

    "Oh?" Shen Yunyi asked with a calm face, "Which law did I break?"

."Instructor Shen, there are some things that are useless to conceal." Vice President Zhou said, "Your former bound sentry suffered from severe mania. This matter is well known. According to the law, you should unbind him, but You did not."

    "You know, this is illegal." He took out the evidence.

    Shen Yunyi flipped through a few pages. It was his medical report in the hospital, which clearly stated that mental power was bound to the sentry.

    "This is the physical examination report for July." Shen Yunyi asked him to see the date on it.

    Vice President Zhou had seen it a long time ago, and he knew clearly that it was the physical examination report on July 15th: "Yes, it was in July. The sentinel bound to you suffered severe mania in February this year. You haven’t unbind with him in July. This is illegal."

    "Vice Chairman Zhou must have made a mistake." .Shen Yunyi showed an arrogant smile, and the momentum of his whole body increased a little, and he said without fear, "I am the person who obeys the law the most, and my sentry is the same. Everything we do is legal."

    "It is clearly stated in the report that you are still bound." Vice Chairman Zhou increased his tone.

    "In July, we were indeed in a bound state, because his condition has deteriorated and I need to use my mental energy to help him survive." Shen Yunyi took it for granted.

    Vice Chairman Zhou looked at his expression and suddenly had a terrible conjecture. He couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

    "Meaning, although that law is as unreasonable as shit, I still abide by it, and I unbind him in February."

.At the gaze of the vice chairman that was gradually horrified last week, Shen Yunyi smiled and said in a bad tone: "In July, I was bound to him again."

    Vice President Zhou turned blue, looking at him like a monster: "You crazy man!"

    Seeing the weird smile on his face, he couldn't help but repeat: "You are crazy!"

    The sentinel fell into severe mania, and the spiritual realm became a mess, unable to sort out. The spiritual power of the guide entered at this time, just like entering a bomb that is about to detonate.

    This state is bound to the sentry, and if there is a slight difference in the process, the two will collapse together.

    Laws and associations require senior guides to protect themselves from danger.

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