Chapter 37

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Those suspicious sentries got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the original white magic barrier.

    There are a total of five sentries, no more than five meters away from the barrier, and they can clearly hear what they say.

    "The person shown on the map is here."

    "There are no trees around, where are people hiding?"

    "The employer said that the person would be invisible, which may be true."

    When the original white ears moved, invisible? Are these people here to catch him?

    He stood up quietly, ready to escape.

    A sentinel took the electronic map in his hand and circled the middle, slowly pointing in the direction of the original white, "It's here."

    Another person raised his gun and shot it over.

    Yuan Bai quickly dodged and dodged, moving too far beyond the barrier range, revealing his body shape.

    Several people were stunned when they saw him.

."Really invisible!"

    "Fuck! Catch him!"

    Yuan Bai quickly turned and ran away.

    The people behind fired at him, and the bullet flew past his cheek. Yuan Bai was so scared and sweaty that he fled in a hurry.

    The gunshots behind him were too intensive. Yuan Bai tried to dodge as much as possible. He was shot a shot and hurt in his leg. When he looked down, he found an injection on it.

    Yuan Bai quickly pulled it off with his backhand, but it was too late and the injection was automatically injected.

    His legs began to numb, Yuanbai threw away the empty syringe, released spells to speed up, and gradually distanced himself from the people behind.

    The sentinels were probably only Grade A, and they were blessed by the original white magic technique. Although they were shot, they were still thrown away. When they were no longer visible, they quickly took out their badges and contacted Fang Lin.

    "Help! Someone wants to catch me!"

.Fang Lin responded instantly: "I'm coming right away!"

    Yuan Bai took a deep breath, feeling a little relieved, and contacted the instructor outside the examination room: "Someone has entered, there is a gun in his hand, want to catch me!"

    "Classmate, what is your name?"

    "The original white, the original white of the first class! E-level guide."

    "Okay, I see, your location has been determined, and someone will save you soon."

    Just after the call here, Fang Lin contacted him anxiously: "Yuan Bai, where are you? The map shows that you are far away from me."

    "I didn't move." Yuan Bai nervously grasped the positioning badge, and glanced around. There were black woods that looked the same and couldn't tell the direction. "I don't know where I am, I'm standing here."

    He poked his head from behind the tree and saw the people chasing after him again.


.Continue running quickly.

    Yuan Bai felt that his right leg was getting heavier and heavier, and he was gradually losing consciousness, and his head was dizzy. The mana was lost very quickly, and his escape speed slowed down. He could barely throw away a certain distance, and he would soon be overtaken.

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