Chapter 29

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The most discussed in the past three days was the therapeutic drugs auctioned by Star Online.

    The auction time is from 8pm to 12pm on the last day, and bidders can be registered at other times.

    Shen Yunyi deliberately set such a requirement, Yuan Bai thought that there would not be many people competing.

    The result was far beyond his expectations. As soon as the auction address was opened for an hour, tens of thousands of people registered, and all showed evidence that the sentry guide was still bound.

    Since then, the number of people has increased rapidly every hour, and from time to time, among the bidders, people with special identities will be exposed.

    People who were usually low-key were bombed out by Shen Yunyi's operation.

.For example, Zuo Rui, the youngest admiral in the empire, was injured on the alien battlefield a few years ago, suffering from mania, and later worsened, he was unbound with his guide, and since then he has not appeared in public. It is said to go The civilian area recuperated.

    As a result, that evening, the first bidder to register his identity was the admiral’s adjutant guide.

    The evidence they gave clearly stated that the two did not unbind at all.

    With Zuo Rui at the beginning, the registrants behind have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

    When Yuan Bai got up the next day and looked at it, he found that the number of people had exceeded 100,000.

    There were only two potions. Yuan Bai looked at the number of people and couldn't help feeling a little distressed for them, and silently began to grow leeks.

.In the morning training, everyone discussed Zuo Rui. This is the military academy. Most people worship the strong. Zuo Rui, who is young and has made great achievements in battle, is the idol of many sentinels.

    Yuan Bai was forced to learn more about the young God of War from their mouths.

    As a result, in the afternoon, everyone was talking about a change of person.

    Who is so strong that let the sentry put all the idols aside?

    Yuan Bai asked curiously: "Who is Min Ziyin?"

    Qiao Yuesi's face was gloating: "Vice President of the Guidance Association."

    There are four vice-chairmen in the Guidance Association of the Imperial City District. Min Ziyin is the youngest among them, but among the four, he has served as the vice-chairman for the longest time.

    This person's father was the previous president of the Guide Association. He himself was an S-level guide. It is said that he became the vice chairman of the Association when he was an adult.

."Now let's see how the Guidance Association ends." The sentries were all waiting for a good show.

    After that, the number of registered people has increased even faster. Yuan Bai is a bit uncomprehending. There are only two medicines, and the higher price will be paid. If you see the first few people, and those who register later, you must always consider your financial resources.

    Otherwise, like them, they won't be able to take the medicine in the end, and they will expose themselves to breaking the law.

    Qiao Yuesi thought more than he thought: "This is a good opportunity. All those who disagree with this law are using this matter to express their opposition. Since Min Ziyin has stepped forward, if he can take advantage of the situation this time. Change the president, maybe this law will be changed."

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