Chapter 63

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Fang Xiao led people to catch the four sentries in the middle of the night.

    After a night of interrogation, it was discovered that they often contacted Jiangling and kidnapped a lot of sentry guides before and after they were sent here to do drug experiments.

    This time, a sentry who had just awakened was also captured and sent to the laboratory in Beicheng during the day.

    Fang Xiao: "What kind of medicine is tested with the sentinel?"

    "The potion that raises the sentinel's level is a good thing. If it succeeds, then the kid will be able to change from B-level to S-level."

    "Have you used such a good medicine?" Fang Xiao asked the leading sentry.

    The sentinel's face was distorted, his pupils contracted, and his voice was a little dry: "We are not qualified. That potion is expensive, Jiangling will not give it to people easily."

.Fang Xiao snorted coldly and stood up displeased. After half an hour, the sentinel changed his mouth with a swollen nose and swollen nose: "That medicine is dangerous and will be addictive. The sentinel with a higher level will go crazy if he loses the medicine in one day."

    No wonder Jiangling can control so many sentries at the same time.

    "Do you know which factory produces that medicine?"


    There were many pharmaceutical factories in Beicheng. The next day Fang Xiao took the sentry to determine the location. The pharmaceutical laboratory, production factory and warehouse were connected together.

    Several people came back to plan, and decided to destroy the factory first and stop the production of that kind of medicine.

    Without the potion, those S-rank sentries who forcibly upgraded their ranks went crazy, which would make Shaman City chaotic, so they took the opportunity to catch Jiangling.

.There are two more troublesome points. One is the defensive system of Shaman City. Once their actions are exposed, they will be locked in position and attacked.

    The second is Jiangling, the man has been monitoring the entire city with mental power, and any disturbances will be discovered by him for the first time, and someone needs to restrain him before he moves.

    The defensive system covers a wide area, and it is more difficult to destroy them. They are ready to make a big noise to attract the firepower of the defense system. The others go to blow up the drug factory. As for Jiangling, let Yuanbai use mental power to contain him.

    The task of attracting firepower was the most dangerous, and Fang Lin took the initiative.

    Fang Xiao knew that he was S grade, but didn't know his specific strength, he hesitated: "Are you sure you can?"

    "Yes." Fang Lin nodded affirmatively, "Let Yuan Bai be with me."

.Yuan Bai also agrees that it is more convenient for the two of them to act together.

    "You must be careful." Fang Xiao exhorted.

    Without further ado, at noon, Fang Lin took Xingyao's key and left the hotel with Yuan Bai.

    The two found a concealed place. Yuan Bai turned into a rabbit and hid in Fang Lin's clothes. He then entered the Xingyao Mecha, then released his mental power, which coincided with the mental power that Jiangling had swept over, and was immediately discovered. NS.

    Yuan Bai deliberately provoked and attacked the opponent with mental power. All Jiang Ling's attention was drawn, and he immediately fought back with mental power.

    In order to cause chaos to the greatest extent, Fang Lin drove the mecha directly towards the most lively pharmacy, and smashed the pharmacy with two heavy thermal weapons.

.It was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The surrounding S-class sentinels all chased over, and the laser beams of the defense system also fired intensively, and Fang Lin fled at full speed amidst the sound of a huge explosion.


    Yuan Bai found the location of Jiangling, on the second floor of the city lord's office building. Fortunately, it was not in the pharmacy factory. Yuan Bai took the time to pass the picture to Fang Lin mentally.

    The next process was exciting. Fang Lin took a group of sentinels around Nancheng and returned to the city’s main office building. At this time, all the people who bought the medicine on the street ran away. Only the guarding robots were left. Fang Lin went all the way to save money. Energy, seldom fired a counterattack. At this time, he took out the most powerful heavy weapon, maximized the energy, and shot it in the direction of Jiangling.

    With a loud noise, the city lord's office building collapsed in half.

    "Chiji!" Jiang Ling escaped ahead of time when he missed the shot!

.Fang Lin: "As expected."

    Although Jiang Ling hid, he became even more angry and mobilized all the sentries in the city to pursue them.

    Xingyao consumed 80% of his energy. In order to save energy, Fang Lin changed the mecha back to a suspended sports car and mentioned the highest speed to escape.

    At this time, Yuan Bai had to sigh. It was a ten-figure floating car. The speed was really fast, leaving all the strange mechas behind.

    Jiang Ling used his mental power to "see" the entire process, and was constantly provoked. He naturally felt that his opponent was also a 2S-level guide, but seeing the operation of the Xingyao Mecha, he felt like a 2S-level sentry, and he couldn't figure it out for a while: "Who the hell is this?!"

    Yuan Bai was proud of hiding in Fang Lin's clothes.

    A few minutes before they were proud, their suspension vehicle was shot by the defense system, and the two fell from the air.

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