Chapter 42

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Half a month after Yuan Bai's disappearance, many people suspected that he had an accident and became restless again.

    The first is the Guidance Association. President Wu’s status was seriously threatened due to the emergence of a treatment agent for mania some time ago.

    Min Ziyin got a potion and got some contacts. Chairman Wu didn't dare to act rashly.

    The medicine was taken out by Yuan Bai. Min Ziyin could guess it, and Chairman Wu could of course also guess it. Since then, he has been paying attention to Yuan Bai's movements.

    Now that Yuan Bai has been missing for so long, he hasn't been seen for a while, and the possibility of being alive is very low, and there is a high probability that the therapeutic agent will not appear again.

    Under this circumstance, the association began to speak out, that the medicine for treating severe mania is not productive, and only people with special abilities can make it.

.It has been a month since the last time the medicine was auctioned, and many people are looking forward to it, waiting for news.

    Shen Yunyi and Qiao Yuean acted low-key, did not answer any phone calls, and did not disclose anything about the medicine.

    The other two people who have used medicine, Shang Chen and Zuo Rui both have high status, and ordinary people can't see them, let alone inquire.

    The medicine hasn't appeared for such a long time. There were all kinds of speculations on the star network. Now that they heard the wind, almost everyone believed this unfortunate news.

    The number of potions is limited and cannot be mass-produced. As soon as they appear, they will be bought by rich nobles, and ordinary sentinels can't get them.

    Their severe mania can't wait for the day when the medicine is used.

    Give people hope, and then let people despair, it will make people more shocked.

."Only people with special abilities can make it." This condition is very directional, and more and more people guess that it is the medicine produced by Yuanbai.

    Now Yuan Bai has disappeared, and many malicious comments have appeared on the Star Network.

    Some even cursed him for death, so that everyone would die together.

    When Yuan Bai Cou saw the news next to Fang Lin's light brain, he was furious.

    "These are Guild Leader Wu's tricks. Most normal sentries still hope to find your master as soon as possible." Fang Lin explained by touching the rabbit's ears.

    The news was released first, ruining everyone's hope, and then Chairman Wu began to settle accounts with Min Ziyin.

    Min Ziyin did not sit still, and the result of the contest between the two was that they entered the stage of re-selecting the president.

.At present, Chairman Wu’s approval rate is far ahead. Min Ziyin has very few supporters. Some people who originally supported him discovered that Yuan Bai had disappeared and disappeared.

    The situation is very unfavorable, and there is bad news from Qiao Yuean.

    The leek in the planting area has the problem of yellowing leaves, and it is not certain whether it can mature smoothly. If the original white does not appear again, the last remaining hope will die.

    Yuan Bai was very impatient, but Fang Lin was not impatient. He took him to the greenhouse every day, but he didn't eat carrots.

    Many protests to no avail, Yuan Bai chose not to eat.

    Fang Lin took him to the cafeteria and changed a few dark dishes, but Yuan Bai just didn't eat it.

    "What's the matter?" Fang Lin asked, "Don't you like the food in the cafeteria very much?"

    Someone chooses who would like those dark dishes!

."Worried about your master?"

    Yuan Bai turned his head and didn't want to speak.

    "It doesn't seem to be, then why don't you eat?"

    Yuan Bai stretched out his paws and pointed in the direction of the greenhouse.

    "You must eat carrots?" Fang Lin nodded when he saw the rabbit, and asked leisurely, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

    Yuan Bai had a meal, and realized that during this period of time, he was a little exposed for carrots, and quickly put on a silly rabbit look.

    Fang Lin looked at his reaction, chuckled lightly, and muttered: "It should be incomprehensible. If you don't want to eat it now, just wait until you are hungry." After that, he ate lunch.

    "Chi Chi Chi!" Is there any humanity!

    When he couldn't eat carrots, Yuan Bai began to make trouble, deliberately stepping his paws into the dinner plate and not letting Fang Lin eat it.

.As a result, Fang Lin grabbed and rubbed it and took a tormented bath.

    But he didn't give up, he continued to pester Fang Lin, whispering and not allowing Fang Lin to rest.

    At night, Fang Lin was probably annoyed, and finally let go: "Okay, I'll eat it for you."

    Fang Lin pulled out a carrot, washed it and placed it in front of Yuan Bai: "Eat it."

    Yuan Bai took a few mouthfuls without hesitation. As soon as he swallowed, he felt feverish all over, his brain tingled, and there was a feeling of mental energy exploding when he awakened.

    The body also began to be out of control, Yuan Bai wanted to hide, and was caught as soon as he ran a step.

    Fang Lin held him in his hand, staring at him closely, and took the carrot in his other hand and handed it to his mouth: "Take a few more bites."

    The smell of carrots was so tempting, Yuan Baiming knew that it was not the time now, so he couldn't help but gnaw a few more bites.

.Then the brain banged, and it really exploded.

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