Chapter 28

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Shen Yunyi started a live broadcast on Starnet.

    The content is the process of treating severe mania.

    The duration is 12 hours and there is a countdown on it.

    Because of the statement a few days ago, many people were paying attention to him and entered the live broadcast room for the first time.

    [The treatment of severe mania is very painful, what can be done live? 】

    Shen Yunyi saw it on the screen and said casually: "This treatment is not painful."

    He shifted the camera and pointed it at Qiao Yuean in the glass ward, who was lying quietly on the hospital bed, seeming to be asleep.

    The doctor gave him an injection of medicine, but he did not respond.

    [What kind of medicine is that, and how is it green? 】

    Shen Yunyi: "The medicine for treating severe mania can be cured with one injection per hour and twelve injections."

    The comments exploded directly.

.[Don't be kidding, how could there be such a potion! 】

    [The Sun Group has been researching for more than ten years but has not succeeded. Where did you get it? 】

    [You really want to save him, not to murder him? 】

    Shen Yunyi sneered: "It's rare and weird. The Sun Group can't study it, and others are not allowed to study it."

    He focused the lens and aimed it at the monitoring instrument next to Qiao Yue'an. On it was the mania value in the mental domain. After the injection of the medicine, the value was slowly decreasing.

    [The powerful auronone can also temporarily reduce the mania value, and the side effects are serious. Please do not use too much. 】

    [Be careful not to explain to Qiao's parents. 】

    The following row of comments are all echoes.

.The Qiao family is in the high-end suspension car business. Qiao Yuean was the president of Qiao’s before suffering from severe mania. Everyone knows.

    Of course, after suffering from severe mania, he was removed from the rankings.

    Of course, Qiao's parents knew it, and they were sitting beside Shen Yunyi. They didn't enter the camera, so everyone couldn't see them.

    It must be them who supports Shen Yunyi the most in the entire imperial capital area.

    Shen Yunyi was in trouble because he was bound to their son again. They had been thinking of ways to help. Now that Shen Yunyi had an idea, they certainly wouldn't object.

    The live broadcast started at 6 o'clock in the morning, and when Yuan Bai knew it, it was already 8 o'clock.

.Because at this time, all the students in the college are discussing the live broadcast situation, and it is difficult for Yuan Bai to even think about it if he doesn't want to train.

    "It's the third stitch, and the value has dropped by more than two hundred. It's really effective!" A sentinel was secretly refreshing the message.

    "At this rate, at 12 o'clock, it can be restored to a moderate level."

    "This is a miracle, what kind of potion is that?"

    In the live broadcast room, I was also asking what kind of medicine it was.

    Shen Yunyi only told them that it was a medicine to treat mania, and he didn't say anything else, so this medicine doesn't yet have an official name.

    Among the various speculations in the live commentary, some people also guessed that it was a new drug developed by the Sun Group.

    Shen Yunyi gave a cold snort and finally stated: "It has nothing to do with them."

.At 10 o'clock, the value had dropped by more than 400, and the Sun Group began to contact Shen Yunyi, but the call was not connected.

    At 12 o'clock, the value dropped by more than 600, Qiao Yuean’s mania had returned to a moderate level, and Shen Yunyi’s live broadcast room was about to burst. He turned off the comments because the comments have become completely the same. All are asking the same question.

    At this time, the Guidance Association also began to contact Shen Yunyi, but he also refused.

    The phone calls of Qiao's parents were not spared, and the two had to turn off the optical brain.

    Those people could not be reached, and some even called Qiao Yuesi.

    The Sun Group could not contact Shen Yunyi, so Sun Yanru asked Qiao Yuesi for information.

    "Young Master Qiao, what kind of potion does your brother use? Does it have a name?" Sun Yanru asked eagerly.

.Qiao Yuesi has been caught and asked by countless people, and gave her the same answer: "If you want to know, you can buy it with Shen Yunyi. After the live broadcast, he will release the auction address of the medicine."

    Sun Yanru was surprised: "Is there a lot of this kind of medicine? How much does he have in total?"

    "As far as I know, not much." Qiao Yuesi said concisely.

    Sun Yanru wanted to know where this medicine came from, and of course Qiao Yuesi would not tell her.

    The news of the original white planting cannot be disclosed for the time being.

    This group of people is difficult for them to deal with, let alone the original white.

    The original white only needs to wait for the end of the potion auction and count the stars happily.

    Someone had already rushed to Qiao Yue'an's nursing home because the phone could not be reached. Fortunately, they were stopped outside by the bodyguard, so the treatment was not interrupted.

.Sentinel's severe mania has never been treated with a good cure. It is basically an incurable disease, and even the law is not on this side.

    Now finally there is a healing potion, and everyone can imagine how crazy they are.

    In the afternoon, the treatment process was easier, and Qiao Yuean woke up once.

    After all the 12 injections were used up, at 6 o'clock in the evening, Qiao Yuean's severe mania was successfully cured, and all the examination results were normal.

    Witnessed by everyone, this medicine is really effective.

    Shen Yunyi's appetite was full, and finally he must have said the news of the medicine.

    "A lot of people contacted me to buy medicines. The current quantity is limited and it is enough to treat two people."

    "I put the medicine on Starnet. Below is the bidding address. There is a time limit of three days. Those with the highest price will get it. Those who are interested can register and buy.".He then announced the address.

    Everyone clicked in for the first time, and then got stuck.

    There is one item in the registration status, and there must be a certificate of severe mania. Many sentinels have this, so medicine is needed.

    But there is another one, there must be a binding wizard.

    The identities of bidders will be made public.

    If you want to buy medicine, you have to prove to everyone that you violated that law.

    Should I buy it or not?

    The author has something to say: Thank you for the nutrient solution of Soft Fox

    Thank you Lianjun for the mine

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