Chapter 51

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Sun Yanru pointed to the villa: "The people who study YS medicine are inside."

    Original White: "!"

    Fang Xiao stood behind Sun Yanru, checking the message on Guangnao: "Miss Sun, as far as I know, this villa was transferred to the original Bai name four days ago, and he has moved in today."

    "The person who studies YS medicine is Yuanbai!" Sun Yanru's tone was unusually affirmative.

    Fang Xiao glanced at her and continued to read the news on Guangnao: "Miss Sun, you must pay attention to evidence when arresting people. If there is no evidence, we can't even enter the door of the villa today."

    "Of course I have evidence. I absolutely can't let him run tonight." Sun Yanru stepped forward and rang the doorbell, "Yuan Bai, come out, you have been exposed."

.Yuan Bai, who was hiding on the opposite side, said: "..." Even if Sun Yanru didn't know his situation, how could Fang Xiao follow her and lead so many people?

    Sun Yanru rang the doorbell for a long time, and there was no response inside. He patted hard angrily a few times, and motioned to the guard on one side: "Come here to break the door lock, I know you can do it."

    The guard did not move, waiting for Fang Xiao's order.

    "Miss Sun." Fang Xiao put down his light brain and let the guards step aside, "I'm afraid you have to show evidence first, or explain clearly to me, what exactly is YS medicine?"

    Fang Lin's hearing is sensitive, and he can hear the conversation between the two clearly, frowning in confusion, what on earth is Fang Xiao doing?

    Sun Yanru: "YS medicine is a psychoactive medicine. Someone stole it from my research room and took it out to harm people. It is in Yuanbai's hand now. Please stop him quickly."

."When did the Sun Group lose the potion?" Fang Xiao asked.

    Sun Yanru did not answer positively: "This is not important. The important thing is to get it back quickly and not let Yuanbai harm more people."

    "This is very important, Miss Sun." Fang Xiao said in a serious tone, "You may not know, but I'm actually investigating a kind of medicine. Since three years ago, I have often traveled to and from the Sun Group. Unfortunately, I can only see it every time I go. When I went to a product manager, his words were always confusing, and he has not provided me with any help so far."

    "If you represent the Sun Group tonight and want me to help retrieve the lost medicine, you can't be like the manager hired by your family."

    Sun Yan became stiff, thinking about it, and turning his head: "I don't represent anyone, I only represent myself. The medicine was researched out by me and was stolen, just three months ago..Then Yuan Bai appeared, and I could be sure that the potion was in his hands now. "

    "What's the use of that medicine?"

    Sun Yanru: "It is a psychiatric potion that can improve the spiritual power of the guide."

    "Improving the spiritual power of the guide is a good thing, how can it harm people?"

    "He changed the formula of the potion. He told others that he could awaken the guide for ordinary people. In fact, he couldn't. Instead, he would kill ordinary people." Sun Yanru pointed to the villa, "Now he is hiding in it. Stay with him, find out that kind of medicine, and you will understand everything."

    Fang Xiao shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. The order is wrong, Miss Sun. We have to get the evidence before we can get a search warrant to get in and arrest people. Otherwise, we will break into the house without permission. Not only can we not catch people, but we will get into trouble. You should understand. This truth."

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