Chapter 3

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The original white strawberries and peppers matured after five days.

    Strawberries are bright red and full, taste sour and sweet, with a delicate fragrance, which makes people look like they want to take a bite.

    The peppers are also very tender, and you can smell the pungent taste when you get close.

    I picked a small part of the original white, and plan to sell it today.

    Most of the fourth civilian area are ordinary people, and not many people buy fruits and vegetables.

    Yuan Bai was going to try his luck at the entrance of the nursing home, where many other districts came to visit the sentinels and guides of the sick family members.

    It takes two hours to ride a public suspension vehicle. When Yuan Bai held two large fresh-keeping boxes and tossed to the entrance of the nursing home, it was almost noon.

    Today's luck is not bad, there are a lot of luxury suspension vehicles coming and going at the door.

.He found a location on the roadside, opened the fresh-keeping box, and the bright red strawberries and green peppers immediately attracted the attention of passers-by.

    "This is... a strawberry?" someone asked uncertainly.

    "Yes, the big red strawberry tastes very good, do you want to buy it?" Yuan Bai looked at him expectantly.

    This man is expensively dressed, has a delicate appearance, and looks young, with two bodyguards behind him, like a rich young master, who looks like a wealthy customer.

    "How did your strawberries grow so big?"

    Yuanbai told the truth: "Of course it's because I am very good at planting."

    "It doesn't look like it." Yuan Bai is still wearing the clothes left by the punks, a bit of street decadence, not at all like the cultivator in the big plantation park.

."Master, this may be fake. The news was still reporting a few days ago that a criminal gang that made fake fruits appeared in the civilian area." The bodyguard reminded in a low voice.

    Oh, how can I say it, his fruits are genuine.

    Yuan Bai picked up a strawberry and handed it over, "Try it? You don't need to charge you for this."

    Getting closer, the sweetness of strawberries penetrates into the nasal cavity, making people secrete water.

    The high-quality fruits that the young master usually eats didn't taste so good, so he couldn't help but pick it up.

    Then he held it in his hand for a long time, his face tangled.

    Yuan Bai could see his throat swallowing saliva, but he couldn't see him put it in his mouth.

    Original White: "?"

    "Have you washed it?"

    Yuan Bai: "..." Well, you are the young master.

.The bodyguard returned to the car to fetch pure water and wash him clean, and the young master was finally willing to eat.

    After a bite, the taste is very different from other strawberries. The slightly sour and sweet smell, the slightly irritating taste instantly impacted his taste buds, and he couldn't help covering his mouth and coughing: "Cough cough..."

    "Master!" The bodyguard was shocked, "Master, are you okay, spit it out!"

    "What the hell did you give our young master to eat!"

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