Chapter 41

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Fang Lin brought Cao Heng to Fang Xiao and told his guess.

    Fang Xiao was silent for a moment, but he was not surprised. Instead, he asked, "What evidence do you have?"

    "He has evidence." Fang Lin pointed to Cao Heng.

    "I do not have!"

    Cao Heng quickly denied.

    Fang Xiao is an investigator, and what he is best at is to make people spit out things they don't want to say.

    After half a day, Cao Heng squatted on the ground and trembled, and honestly explained what happened.

    He also discovered it accidentally.

    A year ago, Cao Heng was still studying in another school. Because he exposed his alien descent identity, he was squeezed out by his classmates. In a depressed mood, he often got injured in fights and went to the hospital.

    Once outside the hospital, I ran into Fang Xiayang who was in a bad state.

.At that time, it was obviously winter, but Fang Xiayang was sweating all over, and his clothes were soaked. He shivered and collapsed on the outside wall of the hospital, unable to move a step.

    Cao Heng was injured in his leg and moved slowly. He walked slowly when passing by Fang Xiayang, just in time to hear the man whispering pain.

    At that time, he didn't know Fang Xiayang, only knew that he was a senior guide in front of him.

    Out of the sentinel's instinct to take care of the guide, Cao Heng walked over to inquire, but did not get a response, a little worried, endured a leg injury and helped him to the emergency department together.

    The two were divided into two consultation rooms, and Fang Xiayang had already left the hospital after Cao Heng's leg injury was dealt with.

    Cao Heng also deliberately asked the doctor who treated Fang Xiayang, and the answer was that Fang Xiayang had the medicine himself, and he recovered after the injection of the medicine, and he did not need medical treatment at all.

.Although Fang Xiayang has a bad temper, he looks good and is a high-level guide, and comes from a noble house. As long as he doesn't speak, he is still very attractive to high-level sentry.

    This accidental encounter left some thoughts for Cao Heng. In the following months, he couldn't help walking to the hospital and passing by the corner of the wall at the time.

    Maybe it was God's favor that really made him meet Fang Xiayang several times.

    The state of Xia Yang behind was not that bad, but she was black now, she seemed to lack sleep, and her temper seemed very grumpy.

    But this is not the case for the guides, they are all to be coaxed.

    After several efforts, Cao Heng finally let Fang Xiayang know his name and Fang Xiayang's name.

    After getting to know this man, his illusions were disillusioned.

.He comes from the agreement area, has alien descent, and is discriminated against. Fang Xiayang is a dignified little duke. There are countless suitors. The two identities are very different. He understands rationally that he has no chance, but emotionally, he is still unconscious. Will pass by that hospital.

    After persisting in this way for half a year, God finally gave him a chance.

    One day, after Fang Xiayang came out of the hospital, his eyes were red, and he stood by the wall where they met, clutching his hair in both hands, and crying for a long time.

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