Chapter 74

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For the next month, Yuan Bai didn't turn on Light Brain.

    He goes out to grow carrots after breakfast every day. Most of the carrots grow by half of their power, so they can grow by themselves with the help of moonlight.

    Yuanbai used up the mana in his body in the morning, and in the afternoon, while absorbing the surrounding wood energy for cultivation, he continued to give birth to carrots.

    Fang Lin learned how to cook with him, his craftsmanship is getting better and better, changing tricks every day to cook for him.

    Yuanbai also gave birth to some watermelons, but Fang Lin was not allowed to eat it by himself. The watermelon had magical powers on the sentry, and he was afraid that he would eat too much unknowingly.

    After eating the watermelon for half a month, Yuan Bai was surprised to find that Fang Lin's level had become 2S.

    Yuan Bai: "Not bad. If you eat for a while, you can become the first 3S Sentry."

.Fang Lin asked him: "How long will it take for your mental power to reach Level 3S?"

    Since Yuanbai's mental power reached 2S level, he has been slow to improve after eating carrots.

    "Probably two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight years."

    Fang Lin is the same, the effect of eating watermelon is obviously not improved as fast as before.

    However, because of the many carrots he grows, Yuan Bai has been cultivating all day, and his cultivation level has also improved. If tested, it will probably reach 2S level.

    Life on this planet is very easy, and neither of them is impatient.

    Fang Xiao on the other side was more anxious, because Guan Qi finally had a new move recently.

    The awakening potion he studied that can stimulate the potential of the sentinel or the guide was finally taken out, and it was not secretly taken out, but was sold on the star network openly like the original white.

.After using this medicine, there is half the risk of death and half the probability of awakening. If the guide is awakened, the cloud of consciousness will be damaged, and if the sentry is awakened, mild mania will break out directly.

    A normally awakened sentry without a guide to sort out the spiritual realm, if there is no accident, it will generally be at risk of mania after more than ten years. If it is bound to a guide with a matching level early, it may not break out for a lifetime. Mania.

    The awakening potion will cause the sentinel to break out of mania. This disease was difficult to cure before, and it will only gradually change from mild to severe, and finally become incurable.

    But now the mania can be treated, and there is a cure for the original white.

    Damage to the guide's cloud of consciousness can also be treated, and Yuan Bai also has medicine.

.On the day when Yuan Bai got the news, he hung up the two therapeutic agents in his own star network store, with a price tag of 2 billion stars.

    More people scolded him on Starnet.

    With the experience of the last time, Yuan Bai doesn't care anymore, and even understands Guan Qi a little bit. If some people get something too easily, they won't cherish it, and they will even make a difference.

    Yuan Bai also thought of another thing: "As long as someone has enough stars, these two sequelae can be treated. Doesn't it meet Guan Qi's "perfect" standard?"

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