Chapter 6

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Qiao Yuesi, an S-level sentinel, has an immature baby face, most of the time his personality is modest and polite, and occasionally has an outburst of temper that makes it difficult to resist. He is one of Fang Lin’s suitors in the original book. rich.

    As for his brother, it is not mentioned in the original book that severe mania sounds serious.

    His uncle is the headmaster of that ghost college

    That academy is said to be the best sentinel academy in the entire empire. The sentinel guides recruited every year are above Grade B, and most of them are Grade A. Under normal circumstances, E-grade waste materials like Yuanbai can’t enter in dreams. go.

    However, God's will, this complicated pie, hit his head like this.

    You must report to the school after receiving the admission notice, otherwise it will affect your credit rating.

.Qiao Yuesi saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, thinking he was happy and stupid, and patted his stiff shoulder: "Don't thank me too much, the college will start in a week, and we will be classmates."

    "A week?" So fast.

    "Yes, you awakened very timely."

    Yuan Bai burst into tears and said weakly, "What about my strawberries and peppers?"

    Qiao Yuesi was going to buy them all, together.

    Strawberries have a guiding effect.

    The price of guide element is more expensive than ordinary fruit, but it is not too high.

    Due to the situation, the number of sentries is large, and guides are scarce. The demand for this thing is very large, so synthetic guide elements have appeared early.

.Strawberries spawned by the original white magic technique have strong vitality and can live for at least three years. If they are well taken care of, they can blossom and bear fruit throughout the year. The final price is one pot of 100,000 stars.

    Drugs that can relieve severe mania are very expensive. Although peppers can only live for a few months, they are more valuable than strawberries. A pot of 500,000 is tentatively scheduled.

    Twenty pots of strawberries and eight pots of peppers, a total of 6 million yuan, finally alleviated Yuanbai’s financial crisis.

    I thought that peppers were not as good as strawberries, so I planted a little less, but the end result was reversed.

    Since peppers can stimulate the five senses of decline, other vegetables don't know if they can, and Yuanbai's mind becomes alive.

    The Imperial Capital District is far away from here, so you need to take a spaceship.

    Qiao Yuesi, the rich man, happened to have a spaceship, so he could take him with him when he returned to the Imperial Capital District.

    "I will pick you up tomorrow."

.Yuan Bai simply cleaned up and saluted, sitting on the sofa and worrying for a long time, after careful consideration, he dialed Fang Lin's phone.

    When Qiao Yuesi came to pick up Yuanbai the next day, he found that there was another person beside him.

    Seeing Fang Lin's appearance, Qiao Yuesi was surprised for a moment, and quickly recognized that the other party was also a sentinel, with a vigilant look in his eyes: "Who is this?"

    It's another problem Yuan Bai didn't want to face.

    How did things turn out to be like this? It was supposed to be the relationship of suitors, but now that the two meet, they are all sentries.

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