Chapter 31

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It was Qiao Yuesi who came to Yuanbai first, and also brought his brother Qiao Yuean.

    When Qiao Yuean came, he was very low-key, wearing a hat and a mask, and was not recognized by anyone.

    When they came, Yuanbai was using the lunch break to give birth to leeks. There were so many sentinels with severe mania waiting to save their lives. Yuanbai had been working overtime to plant them these days.

    It's a pity that the flower pots are too small, and they are too slow to spawn. They run out of mana every day, and the output can't keep up with the demand.

    Hearing the knock on the door, Yuan Bai turned into a human form, put on his clothes and opened the door, and he saw Qiao Yuean.

    Everyone outside is looking for him now, even the nursing home he lives in is still being besieged. Probably no one thought that Qiao Yue'an had secretly rushed back to the Imperial Capital District and appeared in the academy.

.Yuan Bai has seen him on the live broadcast. He hasn't seen Yuan Bai yet. When he saw Yuan Bai, he took off his mask and greeted respectfully: "Hello, Master Planter."

    Yuan Bai: "..." How did Qiao Yuesi introduce himself to him?

    Qiao Yuean was very grateful to Yuanbai. He was surprised to see the leeks in the bedroom. Although I heard my brother say that these magical leeks were grown in flower pots, when I saw it, it was still very shocking.

    After solemnly thanking Yuan Bai, Qiao Yuean also offered a thank-you gift, which was an industry transfer contract.

    "what is this?"

    Qiao Yue'an: "This is a planting area, in District 103 on the edge of the Imperial Capital, covering an area of ​​5,000 square meters, which is very suitable for large-scale planting of leeks."

.This thank you gift was very timely. Yuan Bai was worried about having no place to grow leeks. He was still considering whether to wait for the military training and rent a planting area. As a result, when he fell asleep, someone gave pillows.

    If the original white uses the power of the seeds to generate seedlings, and then plant them and let the ordinary growers take care of them, after these leeks mature, they should also have a healing effect, so the price of the medicine will be greatly reduced, and ordinary sentinels can also buy them.

    Xie Lizheng and Yuan Bai's thoughts, he accepted directly, "Thank you, I'm not welcome."

    "It's me who should say thank you." Qiao Yuean took out the key of the floating car again, "Please accept this little gift, so that you can go to the planting area."

    This Yuanbai didn't want to accept it because he couldn't drive. Qiao Yuesi said that he could drive automatically and was very intelligent, so he must accept it. Moreover, the floating car was made by the Qiao family, which was really just a small gift.

.The original white declined but accepted it.

    After giving away Qiao Yue'an, Qiao Yue thought about showing it out, and Yuan Bai knew what a "little gift" was.

    Xingyao series D-type levitating vehicle, sea, land and air, after conversion, is an intelligent small mecha with A-level attack and A-defense.

    Qiao Yuesi carried Yuan Bai around the academy, attracting countless classmates to watch.

    "Gosh, Xingyao Levitation Vehicle!"

    "My dream car is worth ten figures!"

    Yuan Bai: "!!!" A "small gift" worth ten digits?

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