Chapter 47

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Fang Xiayang was not a child of the Fang family. After he was taken away, the incident spread among the nobles.

    Everyone has been discussing for a few days, of course, the most curious thing is where the real child of the Fang family is.

    It is also a coincidence that Fang Xiayang is not a child of the Fang family, and it is exactly what Fang Lin has exposed.

    Yuan Bai found an opportunity to ask Fang Lin: "How did you guess that Fang Xiayang is not the real little duke?"

    Fang Lin looked over with unpredictable eyes: "The inspiration you gave me."

    Yuan Bai: "!" He has not dared to say more. He wanted to let this happen naturally. Did he show his stuff?

    "Me? Did I say something?"

    Fang Lin helped him recall: "The second day we came to the academy, when you gave me strawberries, Fang Xiayang brought someone to find fault. Didn't you ask him, "Is he really a nobleman?"

.Yuan Bai understands that this person's memory is really good, so I can't say more about it in the future.

    The Fang family was trying to find the child who was replaced. Every time Fang Xiao came to see Yuan Bai, he would lament that it was too difficult to find.

    Yuan Bai looked at Fang Lin standing next to him, and tried to remind him several times, but finally shut up.

    He once asked Fang Lin if he wanted to find his family. Fang Lin refused at the time, and he doesn't seem to have this idea now.

    Let Fang Xiao worry about it for a while.

    Yuan Bai is a complete scumbag, no matter in this life or in the previous life, he has no talent for endorsement.

    Pharmacy majors need to master a lot of knowledge, less than a week after the formal class, the original white is too much to bear.

    "What's the matter?" Fang Lin asked.

    Yuan Bai lay weakly on the table: "The teacher asked me a question today."

."what is the problem?"

    "What is the chemical formula of the guide element?"

    Fang Lin: "You are ashamed of not answering it?"

    "No, no." Yuan Bai sat up, "Uh, I didn't answer, but I didn't lose face."

    Yuan Bai took out the medicine for treating mania. The pharmacy teacher regarded him as a genius, and he was cautious in class every day, fearing that he would be embarrassed by Yuan Bai's point out that he had made a mistake.

    In fact, only Yuan Bai knew it, and even if the teacher talked nonsense, he couldn't hear it.

    In the past few days, Yuanbai spurred the birth of fruit trees to consume a lot of mana, so he slipped out of class and was half asleep with his chin resting on his arm. The teacher found out and called him up to answer questions.

    After Yuan Bai stood up, the whole person was Mongolian, and the teacher repeated it heartily: "The chemical formula of the guide element, Yuan classmate."

.The original classmate blinked and his brain went blank.

    The teacher waited for a while, before waiting for the answer, let him sit down again: "It seems that this question is too simple, next time I will ask you a more difficult one."

    Yuan Bai began to worry when he sat down.

    "I don't understand what the teacher said, and I don't know how to make medicine. I can only farm. What should I do?" Next time the teacher asks the more difficult thing, Yuan Bai will really be ashamed.

    Fang Lin: "When are you going to tell everyone that the fruits and vegetables you grow have special effects?"

    Yuan Bai never thought of telling everyone that he spawned too fast, and it would make people suspicious to take out too many fruits and vegetables at once. If it is extracted into a medicine, it can also be said to be formulated with raw materials.

    Although he didn't plan to do this, it was discovered after a few days.

.The main reason was that the durian tree grew taller, and the canopy stretched out of the roof of the greenhouse, which was seen by the students.

    "Yuan Bai planted trees in the pharmacy research room?"

    "What's on it that looks like durian?"

    "Isn't it?"

    When the durian matured and fell, the original white was cut open. The special smell floated along the open roof and drifted throughout the college. Everyone was finally sure that it was the durian tree.

    The durian produced by the technique was too strong, and most of the students in the college didn't like it, and complained for a while.

    "Yuan Bai is crazy, I use durian to make medicine, I want to poison people to death!"

    There are also a small number of students who particularly like the taste wandering around the greenhouse.

    Yuan Bai couldn't take care of others, he was almost fainted by standing in the greenhouse: "Is this thing really edible?"

.Fang Lin didn't like it too much either: "It should be possible, I don't know what effect it will have, let me try it for you?"

    The safest way is to try it by Yuan Bai himself. He has spells and he can resist even if the durian is poisonous, but the taste... really can't be eaten, so he finally gave it to Fang Lin.

    Fang Lin cut off a small piece and swallowed it roundly. After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

    "Is it effective?" Yuan Bai asked, staring at him.

    Without the effect of the guide element, nor can it relieve the pressure on the spiritual realm, Fang Lin took another bite and hesitated: "It seems that there is no effect?"

    "Just ordinary durian?"

    This is strange. The fruits and vegetables grown in the original atractylodes are somewhat special. If there is no effect at all, then in a sense, they are even more special.

.Fang Lin ate several times but found no special place: "Is it not effective for the sentry but only effective for the guide."

    Now Yuan Bai had to eat it by himself.

    He pinched his nose and ate a few bites. His face was flushed and his heart beat faster. He looked at the durian in his hand in confusion: "What's the matter, why do I get hotter and hotter?"

    After a few more minutes, Yuan Bai felt that his legs were weak and he was about to lose his feet. He quickly threw the durian in his hand: "This durian is poisonous, I seem to be...poisoned!"

    Fang Lin stepped back a few steps, and distanced himself from Yuan Bai, his voice was low and dull: "I know what effect durian has."

    "What?" Yuan Bai breathed quickly.

    "Durian will make the inhibitor useless."

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