Chapter 5

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Fang Lin's ward is next to Yuanbai.

    The body of the sentinel is generally stronger than that of the guide, and his adaptability is also stronger.

    They awakened in a large number, and many sentinels could not find a guide, and would choose to be with ordinary people.

    Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, sentries are more popular than guides.

    At this time, there was a circle of young nurses at the door of Fang Lin's ward, all attracted by Fang Lin's beauty, and they were talking in a low voice.

    "Has the level been tested?"

    "Tested, S grade!"

    "Oh my God, it turns out that the look of the sentinel level is true!"

    "I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

    Yuan Bai mixed in between them, and then looked at the ward through the glass window, and was surprised that he turned out to be an S-class sentry.

.However, this is also reasonable. Fang Lin is an S-level guide in the original book, and now he is replaced by a sentinel, he should naturally be an S-level.

    The doctor inside was still checking on Fang Lin, and the data was originally incomprehensible. Based on the exclamation of the little nurses around him, he could probably guess that Fang Lin was a very good sentry.

    Finally the doctor took out an injection, let Fang Lin show his arm, and slowly injected him in.

    The little nurse outside saw this, her face flushed, and she was embarrassed to disperse, and soon only the original white was left outside the glass window.

    Yuan Bai was frightened when he saw the injection and wanted to walk away.

    Fang Lin just turned his head to see him.

    "Original White!"

    Slowly walking, Yuan Bai bit his scalp and walked into the ward.

    At the end of the injection, the doctor threw away the empty syringe and said: "I will take it once a month in the future, don't forget."

.Once a month?

    Yuan Bai asked casually: "What kind of medicine is this?"


    Uh, I regret asking for an instant.

    The sentinel injection of inhibitors is an ambiguous thing, no wonder the little nurses peeking outside all ran away.

    Fang Lin didn’t think there was anything wrong. He didn’t know if he just awakened and he didn’t know it, or he thought it didn’t matter, just like he didn’t see his uncomfortableness. Instead, he was concerned about his financial situation. "You also need to inject inhibitors. Well, this thing is quite expensive, do you still have enough money?"

    An inhibitor of more than 10,000 stars, if it is a small bastard in the original book, it will definitely not be able to buy it.

    Before he could answer, the doctor kindly reminded: "Guide Association provides many benefits for senior guides, and inhibitor is one of them."

."When you awakened, you made such a big noise. The level should be very high. You can apply to the association."

    This is really a problem that I don't want to face.

    "I..." Yuan Bai said embarrassedly, opening his mouth.

    "What's the matter?" Fang Lin said mildly.

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