Chapter 17

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Meng Wei insisted that he didn't need to help, Yuan Bai didn't care any more, leaving him to vomit.

    Can rest for two hours at noon, Yuan Bai returned to the bedroom and found a surprise.

    The plants he planted grew very fast, only a day later, some of them had matured.

    It should be that when he was practicing last night, the leaked mana affected these plants.

    Among them, strawberry grows fastest, pepper is also good, the remaining green onion, ginger, garlic, and onion grow out of half. Leeks are a bit slow, and they are still very short now.

    Only carrots, still buried in the soil, did not move.

    He planted carrot seeds, checked before planting, these seeds have vitality.

    Other plants have grown, why doesn’t this one germinate?

    are you asleep?

    The original white dug up a pot, turned out the seeds inside to check that they were still alive, and buried them back.

.The original white, who has never been good at planting, has not encountered such a situation.

    After recovering some mana in the morning, he picked out a pot and concentrated on spawning.

    The carrot seed absorbs mana very quickly, even faster than other plants, just like swallowing it, completely absorbing all the original white released.

    It seems to be saved.

    The mana that had just been restored by the original Bai was consumed in a blink of an eye.

    When he was about to close his hand, an accident suddenly occurred, and the seeds below began to draw in turn, as if to suck him dry.

    Yuan Bai was shocked, and quickly jumped up, avoiding far away.

    Until the distance is too far, the seed can't sense him, then let him go.

    Carrots are going to rebel!

    Yuan Bai understood in an instant.

.He used the moonlight to cultivate at night yesterday, and his mana unconsciously leaked out and was absorbed by the plants in the room. Among them, the carrot seeds were also absorbed. After he fell asleep, he was still sucking it greedily, thus turning him into its original form.

    What the hell is this.

    Yuan Bai felt a little weak in his body and was over-consumed.

    He carefully moved a few pots of carrots to the farthest corner from him, and then spread them on the bed exhausted physically and mentally, slowly turning into their original shape and turning into a spreading rabbit cake.

    Keeping the rabbit shape to recover faster, Yuan Bai just fell asleep in a daze.

    After a two-hour lunch break, Yuan Bai was even more tired after taking a break.

    Those carrots have to think of a way quickly and can't stay in the room forever.

.When training in the afternoon, Yuan Bai felt that the eyes around him were looking at him more, especially the guide classmates, who seemed to see flowers on his face.

    The most outrageous thing was that when the first class was resting, the second classmates who were very close to them all whispered about him.

    The content was similar to what he heard at noon, and it was also about his mental power level.

    An E-level guide is in the same class, as if the whole world knows it.

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