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The night air enveloped the surroundings, embracing the hostel with a serene tranquility. The distant hum of traffic blended with intermittent chatter and laughter, creating a symphony of urban sounds. As the moon cast its soft radiance, the hostel seemed like a haven where stories unfolded, secrets whispered, and friendships blossomed under the watchful night sky. The gentle breeze carried whispers of desolation, causing dark leaves to spiral downwards in a melancholic dance. The moon, shrouded by cotton-like clouds, struggled to cast its ethereal glow.

Atop the rooftop, bathed in the muted glow of the veiled moonlight, a girl stood in agitation. Her hands clenched into fists, knuckles turning white as she desperately fought back tears. With each shaky breath, her fingernails dug into her palms, a silent battle between anguish and resilience echoing through her trembling frame. The weight of her emotions hung heavy in the air, her resolve wavering under the weight of unspoken turmoil.

"No, I can't anymore. I am tired, tired of everything," she murmured softly, her words barely audible as if they were meant for her ears alone. There was an undeniable weariness in her voice, a heavy sigh carried by the wind, as she poured out her innermost thoughts to the solitude of the night. The weight of her burdens seemed to hang in the air, as if the universe itself bore witness to her quiet declaration of exhaustion.

With determination etched on her face, she lifted her head, fingertips delicately brushing against the tears poised to spill from her beautiful doe eyes. Inhaling deeply, she fought to regain composure, though her flushed cheeks betrayed the intensity of the emotions coursing through her veins. Every ounce of her being exuded raw vulnerability, a testament to the depths of her inner turmoil.


Her hair danced in the wind behind her as she tumbled from the metal edge of the rooftop. The world seemed to blur as she shut her eyes, overwhelmed by a wave of regret that washed over her. In that suspended moment between life and potential tragedy, she yearned for a chance to go back, to rewrite her choices. The weight of her decision bore down on her, the deafening rush of wind drowning out all other sounds as she braced herself for the uncertain impact.

Time slowed to a crawl, each passing second stretching out like an eternity as the grip of fear tightened around her. The specter of death loomed, sending shivers down her spine. In that suspended moment, her entire life played out before her eyes in vivid detail, like a montage from a bittersweet movie. Every triumph, every struggle, and every cherished moment became a poignant reminder of what was slipping away. The weight of her efforts and sacrifices seemed to evaporate, leaving nothing behind but a profound sense of loss and the bitter taste of regret.

Opening her eyes, she beheld the somber expanse of black clouds stretched across the sky, their presence seeming almost mournful or agitated. A small smile graced her lips, a bittersweet acknowledgement of the fleeting beauty surrounding her. With a single tear escaping her eye, the weight of realization settled upon her- the realization that time was slipping away, that she was running out of precious moments. Amidst a mix of sorrow and acceptance, she resolved to embrace whatever time remained, cherishing every breath as if it were a gift.

The cold wind cut through her like an icy blade, sending a shiver down her spine as a gentle patter of rain began to cascade onto the ground. In that chilling moment, a searing pain shot through her body, jolting every nerve and leaving her paralyzed upon impact with the unforgiving ground. Helpless and unable to move, her world turned into a mesh of pain and desperation, as raindrops mingled with tears upon her motionless form.

Her once beloved white hoodie now bore the macabre stains of her own blood, a stark reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded. The world around her spun into a blurred kaleidoscope as black dots danced before her weary eyes. With a final, agonizing exhale, she closed her eyes, succumbing to the inevitability of her fate. In that fleeting moment, her life slipped away like fleeting breath, leaving behind only a solemn stillness and a haunting sense of loss.

A heavy stillness descends upon the university, as if the very air mourns the loss of a precious life. In the midst of this hushed silence, a low crackle of thunder reverberates through the atmosphere, amplifying the somber ambiance. Time seems to stand still, even the wind freezes in its course, all enraptured by the weight of the tragedy that has unfolded. The world, in its collective sorrow, pays its respects, offering a moment of respite to grieve the irrevocable loss.

"All I did was hard work, still I failed."


A/N - Hehehe I know this is too short. I was confused about writing a prologue. But I think it is necessary for the story. Anyway, I hope it is not that boring. Trust me, I will try my best to improve :'(

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I recently saw many people adding this story to their reading list. I am so happy that y'all are giving it a try. And pls do vote and comment so that I would know how you feel about the story. Tnk u <3

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