Chapter - 14

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The investigation room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the table where Namjoon and Yoongi sat. Namjoon's tapping fingers echoed in the somber atmosphere as he fixed Yoongi with a sharp gaze.

"So, you were the last person who talked to him," Namjoon said, tapping on the table as it echoed in the somber atmosphere.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Oh, am I being accused of this crime too now?" he retorted, his sarcasm evident.

Namjoon leaned forward, his expression serious. "Because the security footage shows you were the last one seen talking to him before he disappeared," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

The investigation room was filled with tension, the air heavy with suspicion. Namjoon's gaze bore into Yoongi as he probed, "So, tell me. What were you talking about?"

Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh, his eyes rolling in exasperation. "He walked on the grass with his dirty shoes. So I told him to at least clean it," he replied, his sarcasm thinly veiling his irritation.

Namjoon's expression tightened as he continued, "Isn't it obvious that you were involved in both questionings?" The weight of the accusations pressed down on Yoongi as he realized the gravity of being linked to not just one, but two murder investigations.

"Oh come on, both times I was at the garden doing my work. What am I supposed to do when they were disturbing me?" Yoongi asked he pushed back against the accusations, his frustration evident in his tone, a hint of exasperation coloring his words.

Namjoon massaged his knuckles, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Thank you for the information. You can go now," he said, his tone implying the interrogation was over.

As Yoongi made to leave, he muttered under his breath, "Another kid asked about him though..."

"Who?" Namjoon inquired, a new sense of urgency creeping into his voice as the plot thickened.

"I don't know his name. He looks like a bunny. He asked me if I saw this Sehun guy," Yoongi replied, recalling the encounter.

"Is that the next guy who came to the garden?" Namjoon questioned, piecing together the sequence of events.

"Yeah," Yoongi confirmed.

"Jackson, call that boy immediately," Namjoon ordered, his tone firm as he instructed his colleague to bring in the individual who had been inquiring about Sehun. The investigation took a new turn as they delved deeper into the mysterious disappearance.


The harsh overhead lights casting a cold glow over the girl sitting on the chair. Jackson's sharp gaze bore into her as he carefully questioned her about the grim discovery she had made.

"You saw the dead body first. Did you see anyone or anything suspicious there?" Jackson's voice was measured, seeking out any crucial details that could shed light on the macabre scene.

Her eyes flickered with a mix of shock and uncertainty as she shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper as she responded, "No."

"Why did you go to that section of the library?" Jackson's tone softened slightly, a hint of empathy lacing his words as he probed further.

"I was looking for a book for an assignment," she explained, the weight of the situation pressing down on her as she struggled to articulate her thoughts.

"I heard that you passed out. Are you alright?" Jackson's concern was palpable, his voice carrying a note of genuine care for her well-being amidst the chaos of the investigation.

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